A presentational component to render a search form
initialValue="My starting value"
inputHint="Enter at least 17 characters"
inputLabel="Search for a tactic"
changeDetection | ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush |
encapsulation | ViewEncapsulation.None |
exportAs | tsSearch |
host | { |
selector | ts-search |
styleUrls | ./search.component.scss |
templateUrl | ./search.component.html |
Properties |
Methods |
Inputs |
Outputs |
Accessors |
constructor(formBuilder: FormBuilder)
Parameters :
autoSubmit | |
Default value : false
Define if the input should automatically submit values as typed |
buttonTheme | |
Type : TsButtonThemeTypes
Default value : 'default'
Define the button theme |
initialValue | |
Type : string | undefined
Define an initial value for the search input |
inputHint | |
Default value : 'Enter at least two letters.'
Define the hint text below the input |
inputLabel | |
Default value : 'Search'
Define the primary label for the input |
isDisabled | |
Default value : false
Define if the search should be disabled |
isFocused | |
Default value : false
Define if the search input should be focused initially |
isSubmitting | |
Default value : false
Define if the search is currently submitting a query |
noValidationOrHint | |
Default value : false
Define whether formControl needs a validation or a hint |
theme | |
Type : TsStyleThemeTypes
Default value : 'primary'
Define the input theme |
userCanClear | |
Default value : true
Define if the user can clear the search input |
changed | |
Type : EventEmitter
The event to emit when the internal input value is changed |
cleared | |
Type : EventEmitter
The event to emit when the internal input value is cleared |
submitted | |
Type : EventEmitter
The event to emit when the form is submitted |
Public keyup |
Fire events as needed after keyup events
Returns :
Public buttonAction |
Type : TsButtonActionTypes
Default value : 'Submit'
Define the button action label |
Public buttonType |
Type : TsButtonFunctionTypes
Default value : 'search'
Define the button type |
Public debouncedEmit |
Default value : debounce<TsSearchComponent>(this.emitSubmit, INPUT_DEBOUNCE_DEFAULT_MS)
Define a debounced method to emit the submission event |
Public icon |
Default value : faSearch
Define the icon name |
Public inputPatternRegex |
Type : string
Default value : '[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*'
Define the regular expression to validate the query |
Public query |
Type : string
Default value : ''
Store the search query |
Public queryMinLength |
Define the minimum length of a valid query |
Public searchForm |
Type : FormGroup
Default value :{
query: [
Initialize the form |
searchFormControl |
Get a reference to the search form control
Returns :
FormControl | null
currentQuery |
Define a helper to return the current query string. If current form value length below minimum length, set the query to empty string
Returns :
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@angular/forms';
import { faSearch } from '@fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons/faSearch';
import { debounce } from '@terminus/fe-utilities';
import {
} from '@terminus/ui-button';
import { TsStyleThemeTypes } from '@terminus/ui-utilities';
* Define the user object interface
export interface TsSearchResponse {
* The search query
query: string;
* A presentational component to render a search form
* @example
* <ts-search
* [autoSubmit]="true"
* initialValue="My starting value"
* inputHint="Enter at least 17 characters"
* inputLabel="Search for a tactic"
* [isDisabled]="false"
* [isFocused]="false"
* [isSubmitting]="false"
* theme="primary"
* buttonTheme="default"
* [userCanClear]="true"
* (changed)="doSomething($event)"
* (cleared)="doSomething()"
* (submitted)="doSomething($event)"
* ></ts-search>
* <example-url></example-url>
selector: 'ts-search',
templateUrl: './search.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./search.component.scss'],
host: { class: 'ts-search' },
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
exportAs: 'tsSearch',
export class TsSearchComponent implements OnInit {
* Define the button action label
public buttonAction: TsButtonActionTypes = 'Submit';
* Define the button type
public buttonType: TsButtonFunctionTypes = 'search';
* Get a reference to the search form control
public get searchFormControl(): FormControl | null {
return this.searchForm.get('query') as FormControl;
* Define a helper to return the current query string. If current form value length below minimum length, set the query to empty string
public get currentQuery(): string {
return this.searchForm.value.query
&& this.searchForm.value.query.length >= this.queryMinLength ? this.searchForm.value.query.trim() : '';
* Define a debounced method to emit the submission event
public debouncedEmit = debounce<TsSearchComponent>(this.emitSubmit, INPUT_DEBOUNCE_DEFAULT_MS);
* Define the icon name
public icon = faSearch;
* Define the regular expression to validate the query
public inputPatternRegex = '[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*';
* Define the minimum length of a valid query
public queryMinLength = INPUT_MINIMUM_LENGTH;
* Initialize the form
public searchForm: FormGroup ={
query: [
* Store the search query
public query = '';
* Define if the input should automatically submit values as typed
public autoSubmit = false;
* Define an initial value for the search input
public initialValue: string | undefined;
* Define the hint text below the input
public inputHint = 'Enter at least two letters.';
* Define the primary label for the input
public inputLabel = 'Search';
* Define if the search should be disabled
public isDisabled = false;
* Define if the search input should be focused initially
public isFocused = false;
* Define if the search is currently submitting a query
public isSubmitting = false;
* Define whether formControl needs a validation or a hint
public noValidationOrHint = false;
* Define the input theme
public theme: TsStyleThemeTypes = 'primary';
* Define the button theme
public buttonTheme: TsButtonThemeTypes = 'default';
* Define if the user can clear the search input
public userCanClear = true;
* The event to emit when the internal input value is changed
public readonly changed = new EventEmitter<string>();
* The event to emit when the internal input value is cleared
public readonly cleared = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
* The event to emit when the form is submitted
public readonly submitted = new EventEmitter<TsSearchResponse>();
constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {}
* Seed the value if needed on initialization
public ngOnInit(): void {
// istanbul ignore else
if (this.initialValue) {
this.searchForm.patchValue({ query: this.initialValue });
* Fire events as needed after keyup events
public keyup(): void {
// NOTE: We need to check for a valid query here.
if (this.autoSubmit && this.searchForm.valid) {
* Emit the submitted event
* NOTE: This wrapper is needed so that we can pass the query value to the emitter
private emitSubmit(): void {
this.submitted.emit({ query: this.currentQuery });