The structure for an individual row
Properties |
columns |
Type : (string | null)[]
recordId |
Type : number
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@angular/forms';
import { faTrash } from '@fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons/faTrash';
import { debounceTime } from 'rxjs/operators';
import {
} from '@terminus/fe-utilities';
import { TS_SPACING } from '@terminus/ui-spacing';
import { stripControlCharacters } from '@terminus/ui-utilities';
* The structure for an individual row
export interface TsCSVEntryRecord {
recordId: number;
columns: (string | null)[];
* The structure for the form
export interface TsCSVFormContents {
headers: string[];
records: TsCSVEntryRecord[];
* The structure for a required error
export interface TsCSVRequiredError {
rowId: number;
valid: boolean;
* The structure for a URL error
export interface TsCSVUrlError {
actual: string;
rowId: number;
valid: boolean;
* The structure for the error set
export interface TsCSVFormError {
// The control name
control: string;
required?: TsCSVRequiredError;
url?: TsCSVUrlError;
* The structure for a row
export interface TsCSVRow {
recordId: FormControl;
columns: FormArray;
* Unique ID for each instance
let nextUniqueId = 0;
const DEFAULT_MAX_ROWS = 2000;
* A component that accepts manual or pasted CSV content and generates a file blob.
* @example
* <ts-csv-entry
* columnCount="6"
* [columnHeaders]="arrayOfHeaders"
* [columnValidators]="arrayOfValidators"
* [footerDirection]="ltr"
* [fullWidth]="false"
* id="my-id"
* maxRows="1000"
* rowCount="12"
* outputFormat="csv"
* (blobGenerated)="handleTheFileBlob($event)"
* ></ts-csv-entry>
* <example-url></example-url>
selector: 'ts-csv-entry',
templateUrl: './csv-entry.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./csv-entry.component.scss'],
host: {
'class': 'ts-csv-entry',
'[class.c-csv-entry--full-width]': 'fullWidth',
'[]': 'id',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
exportAs: 'tsCSVEntry',
export class TsCSVEntryComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
private originalColumnCount = DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT;
* Define the default component ID
protected uid = `ts-csv-entry-${nextUniqueId++}`;
* Define the static height needed in the DOM for the external rows
public fakeRowHeight = '35px';
* Define the delete icon
public iconDelete = faTrash;
* Expose the flexbox layout gap
public layoutGap: string = TS_SPACING.small[0];
* Expose a validation message if too many rows are added
public tooManyRowsMessage: string | null = null;
* Store records (rows)
public records: TsCSVEntryRecord[] = [];
* Initialize the records form with an empty array
public recordsForm: FormGroup ={
headers: this.formBuilder.array([]),
records: this.formBuilder.array([]),
* Store a reference to all existing errors
public allErrors: TsCSVFormError[] | null = null;
* Get header cells as a form array
public get headerCells(): FormArray {
return this.recordsForm.get('headers') as FormArray;
* Get rows as a form array
public get rows(): FormArray {
return this.recordsForm.get('records') as FormArray;
* Set the number of columns
* @param value
public set columnCount(value: number) {
this._columnCount = coerceNumberProperty(value, DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT);
public get columnCount(): number {
return this._columnCount;
private _columnCount: number = DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT;
* Allow static headers to be set
* @param value
public set columnHeaders(value: string[] | undefined) {
this._columnHeaders = value;
this.addHeaders(this.columnCount, this.columnHeaders);
public get columnHeaders(): string[] | undefined {
return this._columnHeaders;
private _columnHeaders: string[] | undefined;
* Define any column validators
* @param value
public set columnValidators(value: ValidatorFn | null[]) {
if (!value) {
this._columnValidators = value;
public get columnValidators(): ValidatorFn | null[] {
return this._columnValidators;
private _columnValidators: ValidatorFn | null[] = [];
* Define the layout direction for the footer
public footerDirection: 'ltr' | 'rtl' = 'ltr';
* Allow full-width mode
public fullWidth = false;
* Define an ID for the component
* @param value
public set id(value: string) {
this._id = value || this.uid;
public get id(): string {
return this._id;
protected _id: string = this.uid;
* Set the maximum number of allowed rows
* @param value
public set maxRows(value: number) {
this._maxRows = coerceNumberProperty(value, DEFAULT_MAX_ROWS);
public get maxRows(): number {
return this._maxRows;
private _maxRows: number = DEFAULT_MAX_ROWS;
* Define output to be CSV rather than TSV
public outputFormat: 'csv' | 'tsv' = 'tsv';
* Define the number of rows
* @param value
public set rowCount(value: number) {
this._rowCount = coerceNumberProperty(value, DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT);
public get rowCount(): number {
return this._rowCount;
private _rowCount: number = DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT;
* Emit the built file blob
public readonly blobGenerated: EventEmitter<Blob> = new EventEmitter();
private formBuilder: FormBuilder,
private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
private documentService: TsDocumentService,
) {}
* Add columns to existing rows + header
* @param rows - The existing body rows
* @param headerCells - The array of header cells
* @param columnsToAdd - The number of columns to add
private static addColumnsToRows(rows: FormArray, headerCells: FormArray, columnsToAdd: number): void {
// Add columns to body rows
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i += 1) {
const row: FormGroup = rows.controls[i] as FormGroup;
// istanbul ignore else
if (row) {
const columns = row.controls.columns as FormArray;
for (let j = 0; j < columnsToAdd; j += 1) {
columns.controls.push(new FormControl());
// Add columns to header
for (let k = 0; k < columnsToAdd; k += 1) {
headerCells.controls.push(new FormControl());
* Split pasted data into headers, rows, and columns
* @param content - The event content
* @param hasHeaders - Whether the content has a header row
* @returns An object containing all data
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
private static splitContent(content: string, hasHeaders: boolean): Record<string, any> {
const result: {headers: undefined|string[]; rows: undefined|string[]|string[][]} = {
headers: undefined,
rows: undefined,
const rows = content.split('\n');
if (hasHeaders) {
result.headers = rows[0].split('\t');
result.rows = rows.slice(1, rows.length).map(r => r.split('\t'));
} else {
result.rows = rows.slice(0, rows.length).map(r => r.split('\t'));
return result;
* Initialize empty rows
public ngOnInit(): void {
this.addRows(this.rowCount, this.columnCount);
this.addHeaders(this.columnCount, this.columnHeaders);
this.originalColumnCount = this.columnCount;
// Let the form values 'settle' before we emit anything
).subscribe(v => {
const blob = this.generateBlob(v);
* Needed for `untilComponentDestroyed`
public ngOnDestroy(): void {}
* Add rows to the form
* @param rowCount - The number of rows to add
* @param columnCount - The number of columns each row should have
* @param content - The column content
* @param index - The row index
public addRows(rowCount = 1, columnCount: number = this.columnCount, content?: string[][], index?: number): void {
if ((this.rows.length + rowCount) > this.maxRows) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
const rowsThatDontFit = (rowCount === 1 ? 2 : rowCount) - ((this.rows.length + rowCount) - this.maxRows);
this.tooManyRowsMessage =
`Adding ${rowsThatDontFit} row${rowsThatDontFit > 1 ? 's' : ''} would exceed the maximum rows allowed (${this.maxRows}).`;
if (this.tooManyRowsMessage) {
this.tooManyRowsMessage = null;
for (let i = 0; i < rowCount; i += 1) {
const indexToInjectAt: number = (index === undefined ? this.rowCount : index) + i;
const c: string[] | null = content ? content[i] : null;
const createdRow: FormGroup = this.createRow(this.rows.length, c);
if ((index !== undefined) && (index >= 0)) {
this.rows.insert(indexToInjectAt, createdRow);
} else {
* Get the columns of a row
* @param row - The row
* @returns The array of columns
public getColumns(row: FormGroup): FormArray {
return row.get('columns') as FormArray;
* Update the form control for recordId on each row according to index.
public updateAllRowIds(): void {
for (let i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i += 1) {
const row: FormGroup = this.rows.controls[i] as FormGroup;
// istanbul ignore else
if (row) {
* Handle paste event for standard content cell
* @param event - The paste event
* @param hasHeader - Whether the content has a header row
public onPaste(event: ClipboardEvent, hasHeader?: boolean): void {
const eventContent = event.clipboardData?.getData('Text');
if (!eventContent) {
// If the user is only pasting the content for a single cell - do nothing
const isSingleCell = (eventContent.indexOf('\n') < 0) && (eventContent.indexOf('\t') < 0);
if (isSingleCell) {
hasHeader = coerceBooleanProperty(hasHeader);
const pastedRowId: number = parseInt(( as HTMLInputElement).id.split('X')[0].split('_')[2], 10);
const content = TsCSVEntryComponent.splitContent(eventContent, hasHeader);
const neededRows: number = content.rows.length;
// If the paste was into a header cell, verify that header cell content doesn't already exist
if (hasHeader) {
this.addHeaders(content.headers.length, this.columnHeaders || content.headers);
this.columnCount = content.headers.length;
this.addRows(neededRows, content.headers.length, content.rows);
} else {
// Else: the paste happened in a body cell
const pastedColumnCount = content.rows[0].length;
// If more columns were pasted than currently exist, increase the column count
if (pastedColumnCount > this.columnCount) {
const numberOfMissingColumns = pastedColumnCount - this.columnCount;
TsCSVEntryComponent.addColumnsToRows(this.rows, this.headerCells, numberOfMissingColumns);
this.columnCount = pastedColumnCount;
this.addRows(neededRows, content.rows.length, content.rows, pastedRowId);
* Expose ability to trigger error updates from the DOM
public updateErrors(): void {
this.allErrors = this.collectErrors();
* Helper to get the name (content) of a header cell for the title attribute
* @param index - The column index
* @returns The header cell content
public getHeaderCellName(index: number): string {
if (!this.headerCells || !this.headerCells.controls[index]) {
return '';
return this.headerCells.controls[index].value;
* Stop accidental page navigation when scrolling to the edges of the CSV form
* @param event - The scroll wheel event
public onScroll(event: WheelEvent): void {
if (!event) {
const dir: string = (event.deltaX < 0) ? 'right' : 'left';
// NOTE: TypeScript doesn't believe `form` exists on `EventTarget`
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const targetEl: any =;
if (!targetEl) {
const borderSize = 2;
const scrollRight: number =
targetEl.form.scrollWidth - (parseInt(targetEl.form.offsetWidth, 10) + borderSize) - targetEl.form.scrollLeft;
const scrollLeft = targetEl.form.scrollLeft;
const stopRightScroll: boolean = (dir === 'right') && (scrollLeft < 1);
const stopLeftScroll: boolean = (dir === 'left') && (scrollRight < 1);
// If scrolling horizontally and at either edge, stop the scroll event
if (event.deltaX !== 0 && (stopRightScroll || stopLeftScroll)) {
* Change focus to the cell below the current cell
* @param currentCellId - The ID of the currently focused cell
* @param up - The direction to move (up vs down)
public selectCellInNextRow(currentCellId: string, up?: boolean): void {
if (!currentCellId) {
const [rowId, columnId]: string[] = currentCellId.split('X');
const row: string = rowId.split('_')[2];
const column: string = columnId.split('_')[1];
const newId = `${this.uid}_r_${parseInt(row, 10) + (up ? -1 : 1)}Xc_${column}`;
const input: HTMLElement | null = this.documentService.document.querySelector(`#${newId}`);
if (input) {
} else {
// Else we must be on the last row so we add one more
* Select the next cell or previous cell
* @param event - The KeyboardEvent
* @param currentCellId - The ID of the currently focused cell
* @param previous - If the movement is forward or backward
public selectAdjacentCell(event: KeyboardEvent, currentCellId: string, previous?: boolean): void {
// Prevent native tabindex functionality
previous = coerceBooleanProperty(previous);
const [rowId, columnId]: string[] = currentCellId.split('X');
const row: number = parseInt(rowId.split('_')[2], 10);
const column: number = parseInt(columnId.split('_')[1], 10);
const isFirstColumn: boolean = column === 0;
const isLastColumn: boolean = column === (this.columnCount - 1);
let newColumnNumber: number;
let newRowNumber: number = row;
// If first column, move to last column of previous row
if (previous) {
// Backward
if (isFirstColumn) {
newColumnNumber = this.columnCount - 1;
newRowNumber += -1;
} else {
newColumnNumber = column - 1;
} else if (isLastColumn) {
// Forward
newColumnNumber = 0;
newRowNumber += 1;
} else {
newColumnNumber = column + 1;
const newId = `${this.uid}_r_${newRowNumber}Xc_${newColumnNumber}`;
const input: HTMLElement | null = this.documentService.document.querySelector(`#${newId}`);
// istanbul ignore else
if (input) {
* Create an ID for a cell. Format: `ts-csv-entry-{number}_r_7Xc_2` would be the 2nd cell in the 7th row.
* @param recordIndex - The index of the record/row
* @param cellIndex - The index of the cell within the row
* @returns The ID
public createId(recordIndex: number, cellIndex: number): string {
return `${this.uid}_r_${recordIndex}Xc_${cellIndex}`;
* Collect all errors from the recordsForm and set to allErrors
public collectErrors(): TsCSVFormError[] | null {
const group: FormArray | null = this.recordsForm.get('records') as FormArray;
// istanbul ignore else
if (group) {
const errors = this.getFormErrors(group);
// istanbul ignore else
if (errors) {
return Object.keys(errors).map(key => ({
control: key,
// De-duplicate the errors array
[key]: errors[key].filter((el, i, arr) => arr.indexOf(el) === i),
return null;
return null;
* Get all validation messages
* NOTE: Currently this only supports a custom error message for URL validation. Other messages can be added when the need arises.
* FIXME: Find a way to use the existing ValidationMessagesService
* @returns The array of validation messages
public get validationMessages(): string[] | undefined {
if (!this.allErrors) {
return undefined;
const messages: string[] = [];
for (const errorObj of this.allErrors) {
const name: string = errorObj.control;
for (const error of errorObj[name]) {
let message = '';
// The ID is zero-based
message += `<b>Row ${parseInt(error.rowId, 10) + 1}:</b> `;
// istanbul ignore else
if (name === 'url') {
const maxItemLength = 20;
const errorItem = (error.actual.length > maxItemLength) ? `${error.actual.slice(0, maxItemLength) }...` : error.actual;
message += `"${errorItem}" is not a valid URL.`;
// istanbul ignore else
if (name === 'required') {
message += `Content is required.`;
// If more messages than allowed exist, truncate the list with a message
if (messages.length > DEFAULT_VALIDATION_MESSAGES_MAX) {
const count = messages.length - DEFAULT_VALIDATION_MESSAGES_MAX;
messages.push(`and ${count} more errors...`);
return messages.length > 0 ? messages : undefined;
* Delete a row
* @param index - The index of the row to delete
public deleteRow(index: number): void {
if (index === undefined || index === null || index < 0) {
* Reset the table to it's initial state
public resetTable(): void {
this.columnCount = this.originalColumnCount;
this.addRows(this.rowCount, this.columnCount);
this.addHeaders(this.columnCount, this.columnHeaders);
this.allErrors = null;
* Get all form errors from a FormGroup or FormArray
* NOTE: This external function and `result` object is needed since `getAllErrors` may be recursive
* @param form - The form
* @returns An object containing all errors
private getFormErrors(form: FormGroup | FormArray): {required?: TsCSVRequiredError; url?: TsCSVUrlError} {
const result: {required?: TsCSVRequiredError; url?: TsCSVUrlError} = {};
this.getAllErrors(form, result);
return result;
* Get all errors for the form
* @param form - The primary form group
* @param result - The collection of errors
* @param result.required
* @param result.url
* @returns An object containing all errors
private getAllErrors(form: FormGroup | FormArray, result: {required?: TsCSVRequiredError; url?: TsCSVUrlError}): void {
const keys = Object.keys(form.controls);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
const ctrl = form.get(keys[i]);
// istanbul ignore else
if (ctrl) {
const errors = (ctrl instanceof FormGroup || ctrl instanceof FormArray) ? this.getAllErrors(ctrl, result) : ctrl.errors;
// istanbul ignore else
if (errors) {
// Get the record ID from the grandparent control
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const grandparentControls: any = ctrl.parent.parent.controls;
const rowId: number | undefined = grandparentControls.recordId
? grandparentControls.recordId.value /* istanbul ignore next - Unreachable */ : undefined;
const errorKeys = Object.keys(errors);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
for (let j = 0; j < errorKeys.length; j += 1) {
const errorKey: string = errorKeys[j];
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
let error: Record<string, any> = errors[errorKeys[j]];
// Angular built in required validator only returns a boolean
if (typeof error === 'boolean') {
error = { valid: false };
// If the rowId exists, add it to the errors object
// istanbul ignore else
if (rowId !== undefined) {
error.rowId = rowId;
// Add this error to the result object
if (result[errorKey]) {
} else {
result[errorKey] = [error];
* Clear all rows
private clearAllRows(): void {
this.recordsForm.setControl('records', this.formBuilder.array([]));
* Clear header cells
private clearHeaderCells(): void {
this.recordsForm.setControl('headers', this.formBuilder.array([]));
* Add header content to the form
* @param headerCount - The number of header cells
* @param content - The cell's content
private addHeaders(headerCount: number, content?: string[]): void {
for (let i = 0; i < headerCount; i += 1) {
const value: string | null = (content && content[i]) ? content[i] : null;
const ctrl = value ? new FormControl(value) : new FormControl();
this.headerCells.setControl(i, ctrl);
* Create a row
* @param id - The row's ID
* @param content - The column's content
* @returns The FormGroup
private createRow(id: number, content?: string[] | null): FormGroup {
recordId: new FormControl(id),
columns: this.formBuilder.array(this.createColumns(this.columnCount, content)),
* Create an array of columns
* @param count - The number of columns to create
* @param content - An array of content to seed the columns with
* @returns The array of form controls
private createColumns(count: number, content?: string[] | null): FormControl[] {
const columns: FormControl[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
let value: string | null = (content && content[i]) ? content[i] : null;
// Strip any control characters
if (value) {
value = stripControlCharacters(value);
const validator: ValidatorFn | null =
this.columnValidators ? this.columnValidators[i] /* istanbul ignore next - Unreachable */ : null;
columns.push(new FormControl(value, validator));
return columns;
* Generate a File blob from the form contents
* @param content - The recordForm content
* @returns The File blob
private generateBlob(content: TsCSVFormContents): Blob {
const prefix = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,';
const headers = `${content.headers.join('\t') }\r\n`;
// Encapsulate content with quotes and escape any existing quotes
const rows =
`${ => => (column ? `"${column.replace(/"/g, '""')}"` : '')).join('\t'))
.join('\r\n') }\r\n`;
let joined: string = prefix + headers + rows;
// istanbul ignore else
if (this.outputFormat === 'csv') {
joined = JSON.stringify(joined).replace(/\\t/g, ',');
return new Blob([joined], { type: 'text/csv' });