


Define the allowed keys and types for an item passed to the TsMenuComponent within a TsPaginatorComponent




name: string
Type : string

The menu item name

value: number
Type : number

A value for the item

import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms';
import { faAngleDoubleLeft } from '@fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons/faAngleDoubleLeft';
import { faAngleDoubleRight } from '@fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons/faAngleDoubleRight';
import { faAngleLeft } from '@fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons/faAngleLeft';
import { faAngleRight } from '@fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons/faAngleRight';

import {
} from '@terminus/fe-utilities';
import { TsButtonThemeTypes } from '@terminus/ui-button';
import { TsSelectionListChange } from '@terminus/ui-selection-list';

 * Define the allowed keys and types for an item passed to the {@link TsMenuComponent} within a
 * {@link TsPaginatorComponent}
export interface TsPaginatorMenuItem {
   * The menu item name
  name: string;

   * A value for the item
  value?: number;

 * Define the default count of records per page

 * Default max records before message is shown

 * Define the default options for the records per page select menu
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers

 * A paginator component for tabular data.
 * @example
 * <ts-paginator
 *              currentPageIndex="1"
 *              firstPageTooltip="View first results"
 *              [isSimpleMode]="true"
 *              [isZeroBased]="true"
 *              lastPageTooltip="View last results"
 *              maxPreferredRecords="100"
 *              menuLocation="below"
 *              nextPageTooltip="View next results"
 *              [paginatorMessageTemplate]="myTemplate"
 *              previousPageTooltip="View previous results"
 *              recordCountTooHighMessage="Please refine your filters."
 *              recordsPerPageChoices="[10, 20, 50]"
 *              [showRecordsPerPageSelector]="true"
 *              totalRecords="1450"
 *              (pageSelect)="myMethod($event)"
 *              (recordsPerPageChange)="myMethod($event)"
 *              (previousPageClicked)="myMethod()"
 *              (nextPageClicked)="myMethod()"
 *              (lastPageClicked)="myMethod()"
 *              (firstPageClicked)="myMethod()"
 * ></ts-paginator>
 * <ng-template #myTemplate let-message>
 *   <strong>{{ message }}</strong>
 *   <a href="/faq">Learn more</a>
 * </ng-template>
 * <example-url></example-url>
  selector: 'ts-paginator',
  templateUrl: './paginator.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./paginator.component.scss'],
  host: { class: 'ts-paginator' },
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  exportAs: 'tsPaginator',
export class TsPaginatorComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit {
   * Define the default message to show when too many records are returned
  private DEFAULT_HIGH_RECORD_MESSAGE = `That's a lot of results! Try refining your filters for better results.`;

   * This does not allow user input in selection list
  public allowUserInput = false;

   * Define the icon for the 'first page' button
  public firstPageIcon = faAngleDoubleLeft;

   * Set up a form control to pass to {@link TsSelectionListComponent}
  public pageControl = new FormControl();

   * Define the icon for the 'previous page' button
  public previousPageIcon = faAngleLeft;

   * Define the icon for the 'next page' button
  public nextPageIcon = faAngleRight;

   * Define the icon for the 'last page' button
  public lastPageIcon = faAngleDoubleRight;

   * Store the array of objects that represent pages of collections
  public pagesArray!: TsPaginatorMenuItem[];

   * Store the label for the current page
  public currentPageLabel!: string;

   * Define the amount of records show per page
   * @param value
  // public recordsPerPage: number = DEFAULT_RECORDS_PER_PAGE;
  public set recordsPerPage(value: number) {
    this._recordsPerPage = value;
  public get recordsPerPage(): number {
    return this._recordsPerPage;
  private _recordsPerPage = DEFAULT_RECORDS_PER_PAGE;

   * Define the template context for the record count message
  public templateContext = { $implicit: this.DEFAULT_HIGH_RECORD_MESSAGE };

   * Getter to return the index of the first page
  public get firstPageIndex(): number {
    return this.isZeroBased ? 0 : 1;

   * Getter to return the index of the next page
  public get nextPageIndex(): number {
    return this.currentPageIndex - this.firstPageIndex;

   * Getter to return the index of the last page
  public get lastPageIndex(): number {
    return this.isZeroBased ? (this.pagesArray.length - 1) : this.pagesArray.length;

   * Define if the paging is 0-based or 1-based
  public isZeroBased = true;

   * Define the tooltip message for the first page tooltip
  public firstPageTooltip = 'View the first results';

   * Define the tooltip message for the previous page tooltip
  public previousPageTooltip = 'View the previous results';

   * Define the tooltip message for the next page tooltip
  public nextPageTooltip = 'View the next results';

   * Define the tooltip message for the last page tooltip
  public lastPageTooltip = 'View the last results';

   * Define the current page
   * @param page
  public set currentPageIndex(page: number) {
    this._currentPageIndex = coerceNumberProperty(page);
  public get currentPageIndex(): number {
    return this._currentPageIndex;
  private _currentPageIndex = 0;

   * Define how many pages exist to show a prompt about better filtering
  public maxPreferredRecords: number = DEFAULT_MAX_PREFERRED_RECORDS;

   * Define the menu location (open up or open down)
  public menuLocation: 'above' | 'below' = 'above';

   * Allow a custom template to be used for the paginator message
  public paginatorMessageTemplate!: TemplateRef<ElementRef>;

   * Define the button themes
  public theme: TsButtonThemeTypes = 'secondary';

   * Define the total number of records
   * @param records
  public set totalRecords(records: number) {
    this._totalRecords = coerceNumberProperty(records);
  public get totalRecords(): number {
    return this._totalRecords;
  private _totalRecords = 0;

   * Define the message to show when too many pages exist
  public recordCountTooHighMessage: string = this.DEFAULT_HIGH_RECORD_MESSAGE;

   * Define how many records are shown per page
  public recordsPerPageChoices: number[] = DEFAULT_RECORDS_PER_PAGE_OPTIONS;

   * Define the label for the records per page select
  public recordsSelectLabel = 'Per page';

   * Define if the records per page select menu should be visible
  public showRecordsPerPageSelector = true;

   * Determine if the paginator should be in 'simple' mode
   * Simple mode: Page jump dropdown is converted to plain text, jump to last page button removed.
  public isSimpleMode = false;

   * Override the disabling of the next button
  public isNextDisabled: boolean | undefined;

   * Emit a page selected event
  public readonly pageSelect = new EventEmitter<TsPaginatorMenuItem>();

   * Emit a change event when the records per page changes
  public readonly recordsPerPageChange = new EventEmitter<number>();

   * Emit an event when previous page button clicked
  public readonly previousPageClicked = new EventEmitter();

   * Emit an event when next page button clicked
  public readonly nextPageClicked = new EventEmitter();

   * Emit an event when first page button clicked
  public readonly firstPageClicked = new EventEmitter();

   * Emit an event when last page button clicked
  public readonly lastPageClicked = new EventEmitter();

  constructor(private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef) {

   * Initialize after the view is initialized
  public ngAfterViewInit(): void {

   * Initialize on any changes
   * @param changes - The object containing all changes since last cycle
  public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
    // If the record count changed, assign the new value to the template context
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (inputHasChanged(changes, 'recordCountTooHighMessage')) {
      this.templateContext.$implicit = this.recordCountTooHighMessage;

    // If the zeroBased input changes, update the current page index
    if (inputHasChanged(changes, 'isZeroBased')) {
      this.currentPageIndex = changes.isZeroBased.currentValue ? 0 : 1;


   * Set up initial resources
  private initialize(): void {
    this.pagesArray = this.createPagesArray(this.totalRecords, this.recordsPerPage, this.isZeroBased);
    this.currentPageLabel = this.createCurrentPageLabel(this.currentPageIndex, this.pagesArray, this.totalRecords);

    // Change to the current page
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.totalRecords > 0) {
      this.changePage(this.currentPageIndex, -1, this.pagesArray);

   * Perform tasks when the current page is changed
   * @param page - The selected page
  public currentPageChanged(page: TsPaginatorMenuItem): void {
    // Set the current page
    this.currentPageIndex = coerceNumberProperty(page.value);

    // Create a new label for the menu
    this.currentPageLabel =
      this.createCurrentPageLabel(this.currentPageIndex, this.pagesArray, this.totalRecords);

    // Emit an event

   * Manually trigger a page change event from a number
   * @param destinationPage - The selected page number
   * @param currentPage - The current page number
   * @param pages - The collection of pages
  public changePage(
    destinationPage: number,
    currentPage: number,
    pages: TsPaginatorMenuItem[],
  ): void {
    const destinationIsValid: boolean = destinationPage >= this.firstPageIndex && destinationPage <= pages.length;
    const notAlreadyOnPage: boolean = destinationPage !== currentPage;

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (destinationIsValid && notAlreadyOnPage) {
      const foundPage: TsPaginatorMenuItem | undefined = pages.find((page: TsPaginatorMenuItem): boolean => page.value === destinationPage);

      // istanbul ignore else
      if (foundPage) {

   * Check if a page is the first page
   * @param page - The number of the current page
   * @returns A boolean representing if this is the first page
  public isFirstPage(page: number): boolean {
    return coerceNumberProperty(page) === this.firstPageIndex;

   * Check if a page is the last page
   * @param page - The number of the current page
   * @returns A boolean representing if this is the last page
  public isLastPage(page: number): boolean {
    if (this.pagesArray) {
      return page === (this.pagesArray.length - (this.isZeroBased ? 1 : 0));
    return false;

   * Check if the next button is disabled
   * @param page - The number of the current page
   * @returns A boolena representing if the button is disabled.
  public isNextButtonDisabled(page: number): boolean {
    if (this.isNextDisabled === undefined) {
      return this.isLastPage(page) || !this.pagesArray || !this.pagesArray.length;
    return this.isNextDisabled;

   * Determine if the string exists
   * @param message - The help message when too many results are returned
   * @param max - The max number of records before the message should be shown
   * @param totalRecords - The number of records
   * @returns A boolean representing if the message should be shown
  public shouldShowRecordsMessage(message: string, max: number, totalRecords: number): boolean {
    if (totalRecords > max) {
      return !!((message && message.length > 0));
    return false;

   * Re-initialize the paginator when records per page changes
   * @param selection - The selected records-per-page count
  public recordsPerPageUpdated(selection: TsSelectionListChange<number>): void {
    this.recordsPerPage = selection.value;
    this.currentPageIndex = this.firstPageIndex;

   * Determine if the page select menu should be disabled
   * @param pagesCount - The number of pages
   * @returns A boolean representing if the menu should be disabled
  public menuIsDisabled(pagesCount: number): boolean {
    const moreThanOne = 2;
    return coerceNumberProperty(pagesCount) < moreThanOne;

   * Determine if the records-per-page menu should be disabled
   * @param totalRecords - The total number of records
   * @param recordsPerPageChoices - The array of counts representing how many records may be show
   * per page
   * @returns A boolean representing if the records select should be disabled
  public disableRecordsPerPage(totalRecords: number, recordsPerPageChoices: number[]): boolean {
    const lowestPerPage: number = Math.min.apply(Math, recordsPerPageChoices);
    return totalRecords < lowestPerPage;

   * Create a new label based on the current page
   * @param currentPage - The current page
   * @param pages - The array of all pages
   * @param totalRecords - The number of total records
   * @returns The string to use as the current page label
  private createCurrentPageLabel(
    currentPage: number,
    pages: TsPaginatorMenuItem[],
    totalRecords: number,
  ): string {
    const findPage =
      (allPages: TsPaginatorMenuItem[], index: number) => pages.find((page: TsPaginatorMenuItem): boolean => page.value === index);

    let foundPage: TsPaginatorMenuItem | undefined = findPage(pages, currentPage);

    // If no found page, try the previous page
    if (!foundPage) {
      foundPage = findPage(pages, currentPage - 1);

      // istanbul ignore else
      if (foundPage) {
        // If we found the previous page,
        // save the current page change back to the primary variable
        this.currentPageIndex -= 1;

    // This may be the case if there are no records
    if (!foundPage || ! {
      return this.createDefaultPageLabel(currentPage, totalRecords);

    // '1 - 10 of 243'
    return `${} of ${totalRecords}`;

   * Create a default label based on the records per page and total records
   * @param currentPage - The current page
   * @param totalRecords - The number of total records
   * @returns The string to use as the current page label
  private createDefaultPageLabel(
    currentPage: number,
    totalRecords: number,
  ): string {
    const start = this.isZeroBased
      ? (currentPage * this.recordsPerPage)
      : (currentPage - 1) * this.recordsPerPage;
    const end = start + this.recordsPerPage;
    // '1 - 10'
    if (this.isSimpleMode && !totalRecords) {
      return `${start + 1} - ${end}`;
    // '1 - 10 of 243'
    return `${start + 1} - ${end} of ${totalRecords}`;

   * Create an array containing objects that represent each available page of records
   * @param total - The total records remaining
   * @param perPage - How many records are shown per page
   * @param zeroBased - If the pages are based on a `0` index rather than `1`
   * @returns The array representing all possible pages of records
  private createPagesArray(total: number, perPage: number, zeroBased: boolean): TsPaginatorMenuItem[] {
    const paginatorArray: TsPaginatorMenuItem[] = [];
    let recordsRemaining = total;
    let page = zeroBased ? 0 : 1;

    // If there are no records just return an empty array
    if (!recordsRemaining || recordsRemaining < 1) {
      return paginatorArray;

    while (recordsRemaining >= perPage) {
      // We are creating the text for the range here so we are dealing with records based on 1
      // (while the pages themselves may be based on 0 or 1)
      const pageNumber = (page < 1) ? 1 : page;
      const rangeStart = (pageNumber * perPage) - (perPage - 1);
      const rangeEnd = pageNumber * perPage;
      const pageValue: number = paginatorArray.length + 1;

      // Create a page object
        name: `${rangeStart} - ${rangeEnd}`,
        // The value is zero based
        value: (pageValue - (zeroBased ? 1 : 0)),

      // Update the remaining count
      recordsRemaining -= perPage;

      // Set up for next loop if enough records exist
      if (recordsRemaining >= perPage) {
        page = pageValue + 1;

    // If any records remain, add the partial group as the last page in the array
    if (recordsRemaining > 0) {
      let name;
      let value;
      const pageNumber = (page < 1) ? 1 : page;
      const pageValue: number = paginatorArray.length + 1;

      if (paginatorArray.length > 0) {
        name = `${(pageNumber * perPage) + 1} - ${(pageNumber * perPage) + recordsRemaining}`;
        value = (pageValue - (zeroBased ? 1 : 0));
      } else {
        name = `${pageNumber} - ${recordsRemaining}`;
        value = (pageValue - (zeroBased ? 1 : 0));


    return paginatorArray.sort((a: TsPaginatorMenuItem, b: TsPaginatorMenuItem): number => {
      const first: number = coerceNumberProperty(a.value);
      const second: number = coerceNumberProperty(b.value);
      return (first < second) ? -1 : 1;

   * Tracking method for the pagesArray ngFor
   * @param index - The current index
   * @param page - The page object
   * @returns The value to be used
  public trackPagesArray(index: number, page: TsPaginatorMenuItem): string | undefined {
    return page ? : undefined;

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""