Our defined option interface.
popperModifiers: literal type
Type : literal type
export type TsPopoverPosition
= 'top'
| 'bottom'
| 'left'
| 'right'
| 'top-start'
| 'bottom-start'
| 'left-start'
| 'right-start'
| 'top-end'
| 'bottom-end'
| 'left-end'
| 'right-end'
| 'auto'
| 'auto-start'
| 'auto-end'
* List of accepted positions
export const tsPopoverPositions = [
* A class of defined positions.
export class TsPopoverPositions {
public static Top: TsPopoverPosition = 'top';
public static Bottom: TsPopoverPosition = 'bottom';
public static Left: TsPopoverPosition = 'left';
public static Right: TsPopoverPosition = 'right';
public static TopStart: TsPopoverPosition = 'top-start';
public static BottomStart: TsPopoverPosition = 'bottom-start';
public static LeftStart: TsPopoverPosition = 'left-start';
public static RightStart: TsPopoverPosition = 'right-start';
public static TopEnd: TsPopoverPosition = 'top-end';
public static BottomEnd: TsPopoverPosition = 'bottom-end';
public static LeftEnd: TsPopoverPosition = 'left-end';
public static RightEnd: TsPopoverPosition = 'right-end';
public static Auto: TsPopoverPosition = 'auto';
public static AutoStart: TsPopoverPosition = 'auto-start';
public static AutoEnd: TsPopoverPosition = 'auto-end';
* Define Trigger type.
export type TsTrigger = 'click' | 'hover';
* A class of Triggers.
export class TsTriggers {
public static CLICK: TsTrigger = 'click';
public static HOVER: TsTrigger = 'hover';
* Our defined option interface.
export interface TsPopoverOptions {
ariaRole?: string;
trigger?: TsTrigger;
placement?: TsPopoverPosition;
popperModifiers?: {};
styles?: Object;