


A presentational component to render a text input, textarea, or datepicker.


TsFormFieldControl AfterViewInit AfterContentInit DoCheck OnChanges OnDestroy


  hint="My hint!"
  label="My Label Text"
  maxDate="{{ new Date(1990, 1, 1) }}"
  minDate="{{ new Date(1990, 1, 1) }}"
  openTo="{{ new Date(1990, 1, 1) }}"



changeDetection ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
encapsulation ViewEncapsulation.None
exportAs tsInput
host {
providers { provide: TsFormFieldControl, useExisting: TsInputComponent, } { provide: DateAdapter, useClass: TsDateAdapter, } { provide: MAT_DATE_FORMATS, useValue: TS_DATE_FORMATS, } { provide: MAT_DATE_LOCALE, useValue: DEFAULT_DATE_LOCALE, }
selector ts-input
styleUrls ./input.component.scss
templateUrl ./input.component.html




constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer2, changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, autofillMonitor: AutofillMonitor, platform: Platform, ngZone: NgZone, documentService: TsDocumentService, datePipe: TsDatePipe, inputValueAccessor: any, dateAdapter: DateAdapter, ngControl: NgControl)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
elementRef ElementRef No
renderer Renderer2 No
changeDetectorRef ChangeDetectorRef No
autofillMonitor AutofillMonitor No
platform Platform No
ngZone NgZone No
documentService TsDocumentService No
datePipe TsDatePipe No
inputValueAccessor any No
dateAdapter DateAdapter<Date> No
ngControl NgControl No


Default value : false

Define if the input should autocapitalize (standard HTML5 property)


Define if the input should autocomplete. See TsInputAutocompleteTypes.


Define a date filter to disallow certain dates for the datepicker

Type : string

Allow the date locale to be changed

Type : boolean

Define if the datepicker should be enabled


Define the form control to get access to validators

Default value : false

Define if the use-case provides it's own TsFormFieldComponent or if this component should provide it's own.

Default value : false

Define if a required marker should be included


Define a hint for the input

Type : string

Define an ID for the component

Default value : false

Define if the input should surface the ability to clear it's value

Default value : false

Define if the input should be disabled

Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl

Type : boolean

Define if the input should be focused

Type : boolean

Define if the input is required

Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl

Default value : false

Define if the input should be a textarea

NOTE: This is not meant to be used with the datepicker or mask enabled.


Define the label


Define a mask

param value - A TsMaskShortcutOptions

Type : boolean

Define if decimals are allowed in numbers/currency/percentage masks

Default value : true

Define if the value should be sanitized before it is saved to the model


Define the maximum date for the datepicker


Define the minimum date for the datepicker

Type : string | undefined

Define the name attribute value

Default value : false

Define whether formControl needs a validation or a hint


Define a date that the calendar should open to for the datepicker

Type : IconProp | undefined

Define an icon to include before the input

Default value : false

Define if the input is readOnly

Default value : true

Define if the input should spellcheck (standard HTML5 property)


Define the starting calendar view for the datepicker

Default value : faTimesCircle

Define the clear icon

Type : number

Define the tabindex for the input

Type : number

Define the number of rows for a textarea

NOTE: Since the 'rows' attribute of a textarea is stored as a string, we should accept both string and number.

Type : TsStyleThemeTypes
Default value : 'primary'

Define the component theme


Define the input type (text, password etc.) See TsInputTypes

Default value : false

Define if validation messages should be shown immediately or on blur


Type : EventEmitter<boolean>

The event to emit when the input value is cleared

Type : EventEmitter<Date>

Define an event when the input receives a blur event

Type : EventEmitter<boolean>

The event to emit when the input element receives a focus event

Type : EventEmitter<ClipboardEvent>

The event to emit when the input element receives a paste event

Type : EventEmitter<Date>

Define an event emitter to alert consumers that a date was selected


Protected dirtyCheckNativeValue

Manually dirty check the native input value property

Returns : void
Public focus

Focus the input element

Returns : void
Public focusChanged
focusChanged(nowFocused: boolean)

Callback for when the focused state of the input changes

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
nowFocused boolean No
  • Boolean determining if the input is gaining or losing focus
Returns : void
Public onBlur

Set touched on blur

Returns : void
Public onContainerClick

Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl.

Returns : void
Public onDateChanged
onDateChanged(date: Date)

Notify consumer of date changed from the picker being used.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
date Date No
  • The date that has been set.
Returns : void
Public onInput
onInput(target: HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement)

Update values on input

NOTE: KNOWN BUG that allows model and UI to get out of sync when extra characters are added after a fully satisfied mask.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
target HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement No
  • The event target for the input event.
Returns : void
Public registerOnChange
registerOnChange(fn: any)

Register onChange callback (from ControlValueAccessor interface)

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
fn any No
Returns : void
Public registerOnTouched
registerOnTouched(fn: any)

Register onTouched callback (from ControlValueAccessor interface)

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
fn any No
Returns : void
Public reset

Clear the input's value

Returns : void
Public writeValue
writeValue(value: string | Date)

Write the value

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
value string | Date No
  • The value to write to the model
Returns : void


Protected _id
Type : string
Default value : this.uid
Public _valueChange
Type : EventEmitter<Date | null>
Default value : new EventEmitter()

Emits when the value changes (either due to user input or programmatic change). Need for Material Datepicker.

NOTE: Underscore naming convention needed since that is what the Material datepicker will subscribe to.

Public ariaDescribedby
Type : string | undefined

The aria-describedby attribute on the input for improved a11y

Public autofilled
Default value : false

Define if the input has been autofilled

Public dateAdapter
Type : DateAdapter<Date>
Decorators :
Public flexGap
Default value : TS_SPACING.small[0]

Define the flex layout gap

Public focused
Default value : false

Define whether the input has focus

Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl

Public inputElement
Type : ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>
Decorators :

Provide access to the input

Public Readonly labelChanges
Type : Subject<void>
Default value : new Subject<void>()

Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl.

Static ngAcceptInputType_formControl
Type : FormControl | AbstractControl
Public ngControl
Type : NgControl
Decorators :
Public picker
Type : MatDatepicker<string>
Decorators :

Expose reference to the Material datepicker component

Public selfReference
Type : TsInputComponent
Default value : this

Reference to itself. Passed to TsFormFieldComponent.

Public Readonly stateChanges
Type : Subject<void>
Default value : new Subject<void>()

Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl.

Protected uid
Default value : `ts-input-${nextUniqueId++}`

Define the default component ID

Public updateInnerValue
Default value : () => {...}

Update the inner value when the formControl value is updated

Parameters :
Name Description
  • The value to set



Determine if the input is empty

  1. Input exists
  2. Input has no value
  3. Native input validation is valid
  4. Input is not filled by browser

Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl.

Returns : boolean

Getter returning a boolean based on both the component isDisabled flag and the FormControl's disabled status

Returns : boolean

Determine if the label should float

Returns : boolean
setvalue(v: any)

Set the accessor and call the onchange callback

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v any No
Returns : void

Define if the input should autocomplete. See TsInputAutocompleteTypes.

Parameters :
Name Optional
value No
Returns : void

Define a date filter to disallow certain dates for the datepicker

Parameters :
Name Optional
value No
Returns : void
setdateLocale(value: string)

Allow the date locale to be changed

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value string No
Returns : void
setdatepicker(value: boolean)

Define if the datepicker should be enabled

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value boolean No
Returns : void

Define the form control to get access to validators

Parameters :
Name Optional
value No
Returns : void

Define a hint for the input

Parameters :
Name Optional
value No
Returns : void
setid(value: string)

Define an ID for the component

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value string No
Returns : void
setisFocused(value: boolean)

Define if the input should be focused

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value boolean No
Returns : void
setisRequired(value: boolean)

Define if the input is required

Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value boolean No
Returns : void

Define the label

Parameters :
Name Optional
value No
Returns : void

Define a mask

param value - A TsMaskShortcutOptions

Parameters :
Name Optional
value No
Returns : void
setmaskAllowDecimal(value: boolean)

Define if decimals are allowed in numbers/currency/percentage masks

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value boolean No
Returns : void

Define the maximum date for the datepicker

Parameters :
Name Optional
value No
Returns : void

Define the minimum date for the datepicker

Parameters :
Name Optional
value No
Returns : void

Define a date that the calendar should open to for the datepicker

Parameters :
Name Optional
value No
Returns : void

Define the starting calendar view for the datepicker

Parameters :
Name Optional
value No
Returns : void
settabIndex(value: number)

Define the tabindex for the input

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value number No
Returns : void
settextareaRows(value: number)

Define the number of rows for a textarea

NOTE: Since the 'rows' attribute of a textarea is stored as a string, we should accept both string and number.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value number No
Returns : void

Define the input type (text, password etc.) See TsInputTypes

Parameters :
Name Optional
value No
Returns : void
import { Platform } from '@angular/cdk/platform';
import { AutofillMonitor } from '@angular/cdk/text-field';
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@angular/forms';
import {
} from '@angular/material/core';
import { MatDatepicker } from '@angular/material/datepicker';
import { IconProp } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core';
import { faTimesCircle } from '@fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons/faTimesCircle';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import createAutoCorrectedDatePipe from 'text-mask-addons/dist/createAutoCorrectedDatePipe';
import createNumberMask from 'text-mask-addons/dist/createNumberMask';
import { createTextMaskInputElement } from 'text-mask-core/dist/textMaskCore';

import {
} from '@terminus/fe-utilities';
import { TsFormFieldControl } from '@terminus/ui-form-field';
import { TsDatePipe } from '@terminus/ui-pipes';
import { TS_SPACING } from '@terminus/ui-spacing';
import { TsStyleThemeTypes } from '@terminus/ui-utilities';

import {
} from '../date-adapter/date-adapter';
import { TS_INPUT_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from '../input-value-accessor';

export interface TextMaskInputElement {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  state: Record<string, any>;
  update: Function;

 * Define the function type for date filters. Used by {@link TsInputComponent}
export type TsDateFilterFunction = (d: Date) => boolean;

 * Define the allowed {@link TsInputComponent} input types
export type TsInputTypes
  = 'text'
  | 'password'
  | 'email'
  | 'hidden'
  | 'number'
  | 'search'
  | 'tel'
  | 'url'

 * Define the allowed autocomplete variations for {@link TsInputComponent}
 * NOTE: This is not all valid types; only the ones this library supports.
export type TsInputAutocompleteTypes
  = 'off'
  | 'on'
  | 'name'
  | 'email'
  | 'username'
  | 'new-password'
  | 'current-password'
  | 'tel'

 * A function that returns an array of RegExp (used to determine postal code RegExp in {@link TsInputComponent})
export type TsMaskFunction = (value: string) => (RegExp | string)[];

 * An individual mask definition. Used by {@link TsInputComponent}
export interface TsMask {
  mask: (RegExp | string)[] | TsMaskFunction | false;
  unmaskRegex?: RegExp;
  pipe?: Function;
  guide?: boolean;
  showMask?: boolean;
  keepCharPositions?: boolean;

 * The collection of masks. Used by {@link TsInputComponent}
export interface TsMaskCollection {
  [key: string]: TsMask;

 * Define the allowed mask shortcut option. Used by {@link TsInputComponent}
export type TsMaskShortcutOptions
  = 'currency'
  | 'date'
  | 'number'
  | 'percentage'
  | 'phone'
  | 'postal'
  // matches all characters
  | 'default'

 * Create an array used to verify the passed in shortcut is valid. Used by {@link TsInputComponent}
const allowedMaskShortcuts: TsMaskShortcutOptions[] = [

// Unique ID for each instance
let nextUniqueId = 0;
const AUTOCOMPLETE_DEFAULT: TsInputAutocompleteTypes = 'on';
const NUMBER_ONLY_REGEX = /[^0-9]/g;
const NUMBER_WITH_DECIMAL_REGEX = /[^0-9.]/g;

 * A presentational component to render a text input, textarea, or datepicker.
 * @example
 * <ts-input
 *              [autocapitalize]="false"
 *              autocomplete="email"
 *              [dateFilter]="myFilterFunction"
 *              dateLocale="en-US"
 *              [datepicker]="true"
 *              [formControl]="myForm.get('myControl')"
 *              [hasExternalFormField]="true"
 *              [hideRequiredMarker]="false"
 *              hint="My hint!"
 *              id="my-id"
 *              [isClearable]="true"
 *              [isDisabled]="false"
 *              [isFocused]="false"
 *              [isRequired]="false"
 *              label="My Label Text"
 *              mask="phone"
 *              [maskAllowDecimal]="true"
 *              [maskSanitizeValue]="true"
 *              maxDate="{{ new Date(1990, 1, 1) }}"
 *              minDate="{{ new Date(1990, 1, 1) }}"
 *              name="password"
 *              [(ngModel]="myModel"
 *              openTo="{{ new Date(1990, 1, 1) }}"
 *              prefixIcon="myIconReference"
 *              suffixIcon="myIconReference"
 *              [readOnly]="false"
 *              [spellcheck]="false"
 *              startingView="year"
 *              tabIndex="2"
 *              theme="primary"
 *              type="text"
 *              [validateOnChange]="false"
 *              (cleared)="userClearedInput($event)"
 *              (inputBlur)="userLeftInput($event)"
 *              (inputFocus)="userFocusedInput($event)"
 *              (selected)="userSelectedFromCalendar($event)"
 * ></ts-input>
 * <example-url></example-url>
  selector: 'ts-input',
  templateUrl: './input.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./input.component.scss'],
  host: {
    'class': 'ts-input',
    '[class.ts-input--datepicker]': 'datepicker',
  providers: [
      provide: TsFormFieldControl,
      useExisting: TsInputComponent,
      provide: DateAdapter,
      useClass: TsDateAdapter,
      provide: MAT_DATE_FORMATS,
      useValue: TS_DATE_FORMATS,
      provide: MAT_DATE_LOCALE,
      useValue: DEFAULT_DATE_LOCALE,
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  exportAs: 'tsInput',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export class TsInputComponent implements TsFormFieldControl<any>, AfterViewInit, AfterContentInit, DoCheck, OnChanges, OnDestroy {
   * Emits when the value changes (either due to user input or programmatic change). Need for Material Datepicker.
   * NOTE: Underscore naming convention needed since that is what the Material datepicker will subscribe to.
  public _valueChange: EventEmitter<Date | null> = new EventEmitter();

   * The aria-describedby attribute on the input for improved a11y
  public ariaDescribedby: string | undefined;

   * Define if the input has been autofilled
  public autofilled = false;

   * Define an InputValueAccessor for this component
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  private inputValueAccessor: {value: any};

   * Store the current mask
  private currentMask!: TsMask;

   * Define the default format for the date mask
  private defaultDateFormat = 'mm-dd-yyyy';

   * Store a reference to the document object
  private document: Document;

   * Define the flex layout gap
  public flexGap = TS_SPACING.small[0];

   * Define whether the input has focus
   * Implemented as part of {@link TsFormFieldControl}
  public focused = false;

   * Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl.
  public readonly labelChanges: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();

   * Store the last value for comparison
  private lastValue!: string;

   * Define placeholder for callback (provided later by the control value accessor)
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  private onChangeCallback: (_: any) => void = noop;

   * Define placeholder for callback (provided later by the control value accessor)
  private onTouchedCallback: () => void = noop;

   * Store the previous value
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  private previousNativeValue: any;

   * Reference to itself. Passed to {@link TsFormFieldComponent}.
  public selfReference: TsInputComponent = this;

   * Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl.
  public readonly stateChanges: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();

   * Base settings for the mask
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  private textMaskConfig: Record<string, any> = {
    mask: null,
    guide: false,
    keepCharPositions: false,

   * Store the mask instance
  private textMaskInputElement!: TextMaskInputElement;

   * The textual value of the date entered into the input.
  private textualDateValue = '';

   * Define the default component ID
  protected uid = `ts-input-${nextUniqueId++}`;

   * Expose reference to the Material datepicker component
  public picker!: MatDatepicker<string>;

   * Provide access to the input
  public inputElement!: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>;

   * Determine if the input is empty
   *   1. Input exists
   *   2. Input has no value
   *   3. Native input validation is valid
   *   4. Input is not filled by browser
   * Implemented as part of {@link TsFormFieldControl}.
  public get empty(): boolean {
    // Since we are using ViewChild, we need to verify the existence of the element
    const input = this.inputElement && this.inputElement.nativeElement;

    if (!input) {
      return true;

    return !!input && !input.value && !this.isBadInput() && !this.autofilled;

   * Getter returning a boolean based on both the component `isDisabled` flag and the FormControl's disabled status
  public get shouldBeDisabled(): boolean {
    return this.formControl.disabled || this.isDisabled;

   * Determine if the label should float
  public get shouldLabelFloat(): boolean {
    return this.focused || !this.empty;

   * Set the accessor and call the onchange callback
   * @param v
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  public set value(v: any) {
    const oldDate = this.value;

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (v !== this.value) {
      const sanitizedValue = this.maskSanitizeValue && this.currentMask ? this.cleanValue(v, this.currentMask.unmaskRegex) : v;
      this.inputValueAccessor.value = v;

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.datepicker) {
      // istanbul ignore else
      if (!this.dateAdapter.sameDate(oldDate, v)) {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  public get value(): any {
    return this.inputValueAccessor.value;

   * Define if the input should autocapitalize
   * (standard HTML5 property)
  public autocapitalize = false;

   * Define if the input should autocomplete. See {@link TsInputAutocompleteTypes}.
   * @param value
  public set autocomplete(value: TsInputAutocompleteTypes) {
    if (value) {
      this._autocomplete = value;
    } else {
      this._autocomplete = 'on';
  public get autocomplete(): TsInputAutocompleteTypes {
    return this._autocomplete;
  private _autocomplete: TsInputAutocompleteTypes = 'on';

   * Define a date filter to disallow certain dates for the datepicker
   * @param value
  public set dateFilter(value: TsDateFilterFunction | undefined) {
    this._dateFilter = value;
  public get dateFilter(): TsDateFilterFunction | undefined {
    return this._dateFilter;
  private _dateFilter: TsDateFilterFunction | undefined;

   * Allow the date locale to be changed
   * @param value
  public set dateLocale(value: string) {
    this._dateLocale = value ? value : DEFAULT_DATE_LOCALE;
  public get dateLocale(): string {
    return this._dateLocale;
  private _dateLocale: string = DEFAULT_DATE_LOCALE;

   * Define if the datepicker should be enabled
   * @param value
  public set datepicker(value: boolean) {
    this._datepicker = value;

    // When using a datepicker, we need to validate on change so that selecting a date from the calendar
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.datepicker) {
      this.validateOnChange = true;
  public get datepicker(): boolean {
    return this._datepicker;
  private _datepicker = false;

   * Define the form control to get access to validators
   * @param value
  public set formControl(value: FormControl) {
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (value) {
      this._formControl = value;
      // Register the onChange for the new control

      // Seed any existing value from the FormControl into the component
      // HACK: This is to get around ExpressionChangedAfterChecked error.
      Promise.resolve(null).then(() => {
        this.inputValueAccessor.value = this._formControl.value;
      // HACK: This is to get disabled field set properly on both datepicker and input level
      // eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
      if (!this.changeDetectorRef['destroyed']) {
  public get formControl(): FormControl {
    return this._formControl;
  private _formControl: FormControl = new FormControl();
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility, @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
  static ngAcceptInputType_formControl: FormControl | AbstractControl;

   * Define if the use-case provides it's own {@link TsFormFieldComponent} or if this component should provide it's own.
  public hasExternalFormField = false;

   * Define if a required marker should be included
  public hideRequiredMarker = false;

   * Define a hint for the input
   * @param value
  public set hint(value: string | undefined) {
    this._hint = value;
  public get hint(): string | undefined {
    return this._hint;
  private _hint: string | undefined;

   * Define an ID for the component
   * @param value
  public set id(value: string) {
    this._id = value || this.uid;
  public get id(): string {
    return this._id;
  protected _id: string = this.uid;

   * Define if the input should surface the ability to clear it's value
  public isClearable = false;

   * Define if the input should be disabled
   * Implemented as part of {@link TsFormFieldControl}
  public isDisabled = false;

   * Define if the input should be focused
   * @param value
  public set isFocused(value: boolean) {
    this._isFocused = value;

    if (this._isFocused) {
  public get isFocused(): boolean {
    return this._isFocused;
  private _isFocused = false;

   * Define if the input is required
   * Implemented as part of {@link TsFormFieldControl}
   * @param value
  public set isRequired(value: boolean) {
    this._isRequired = value;
  public get isRequired(): boolean {
    const requiredFormControl = (this.formControl && hasRequiredControl(this.formControl));
    return this._isRequired || requiredFormControl;
  private _isRequired = false;

   * Define if the input should be a textarea
   * NOTE: This is not meant to be used with the datepicker or mask enabled.
  public isTextarea = false;

   * Define the label
   * @param value
  public set label(value: string | undefined) {
    this._label = value;
  public get label(): string | undefined {
    return this._label;
  private _label: string | undefined;

   * Define a mask
   * param value - A {@link TsMaskShortcutOptions}
   * @param value
  public set mask(value: TsMaskShortcutOptions | undefined) {
    // Verify value is allowed
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (value && isDevMode() && (allowedMaskShortcuts.indexOf(value) < 0)) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      console.warn(`TsInputComponent: "${value}" is not an allowed mask. `
      + 'Allowed masks are defined by "TsMaskShortcutOptions".');

      // Fallback to the default mask (which will allow all characters)
      value = 'default';

    this._mask = value;

    // Update the current mask definition
  public get mask(): TsMaskShortcutOptions | undefined {
    return this._mask;
  private _mask: TsMaskShortcutOptions | undefined;

   * Define if decimals are allowed in numbers/currency/percentage masks
   * @param value
  public set maskAllowDecimal(value: boolean) {
    const oldValue = this.maskAllowDecimal;
    this._maskAllowDecimal = value;

    // Re-set the definition if the value was changed
    if (this.mask && this.maskAllowDecimal !== oldValue) {
  public get maskAllowDecimal(): boolean {
    return this._maskAllowDecimal;
  private _maskAllowDecimal = true;

   * Define if the value should be sanitized before it is saved to the model
  public maskSanitizeValue = true;

   * Define the maximum date for the datepicker
   * @param value
  public set maxDate(value: string | Date | undefined) {
    this._maxDate = (value) ? this.verifyIsDateObject(value) : undefined;
  public get maxDate(): string | Date | undefined {
    return this._maxDate;
  private _maxDate: string | Date | undefined;

   * Define the minimum date for the datepicker
   * @param value
  public set minDate(value: string | Date | undefined) {
    this._minDate = (value) ? this.verifyIsDateObject(value) : undefined;
  public get minDate(): string | Date | undefined {
    return this._minDate;
  private _minDate: string | Date | undefined;

   * Define the name attribute value
  public name: string | undefined;

   * Define whether formControl needs a validation or a hint
  public noValidationOrHint = false;

   * Define a date that the calendar should open to for the datepicker
   * @param value
  public set openTo(value: Date | undefined) {
    // istanbul ignore else
    if ((value instanceof Date) || value === undefined) {
      this._openTo = value;
  public get openTo(): Date | undefined {
    return this._openTo;
  private _openTo: Date | undefined;

   * Define an icon to include before the input
  public prefixIcon: IconProp | undefined;

   * Define the clear icon
   * @deprecated This input should not be used. This icon is only used as the 'clearable' trigger.
  public suffixIcon = faTimesCircle;

   * Define if the input is readOnly
  public readOnly = false;

   * Define if the input should spellcheck
   * (standard HTML5 property)
  public spellcheck = true;

   * Define the starting calendar view for the datepicker
   * @param value
  public set startingView(value: 'month' | 'year') {
    if (value === 'month' || value === 'year') {
      this._startingView = value;
    } else {
      this._startingView = 'month';
  public get startingView(): 'month' | 'year' {
    return this._startingView;
  private _startingView: 'month' | 'year' = 'month';

   * Define the tabindex for the input
   * @param value
  public set tabIndex(value: number) {
    this._tabIndex = coerceNumberProperty(value);
  public get tabIndex(): number {
    return this._tabIndex;
  private _tabIndex = 0;

   * Define the number of rows for a textarea
   * NOTE: Since the 'rows' attribute of a textarea is stored as a string, we should accept both string and number.
   * @param value
  public set textareaRows(value: number) {
    this._textareaRows = isNumber(value) ? Number(value) : DEFAULT_TEXTAREA_ROWS;
  public get textareaRows(): number {
    return this._textareaRows;
  private _textareaRows = DEFAULT_TEXTAREA_ROWS;

   * Define the component theme
  public theme: TsStyleThemeTypes = 'primary';

   * Define the input type (text, password etc.) See {@link TsInputTypes}
   * @param value
  public set type(value: TsInputTypes) {
    if (!value) {
      value = 'text';

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.mask && (value === 'email' || value === 'number')) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      console.warn(`TsInputComponent: "${value}" is not an allowed type when used with a mask. `
      + 'When using a mask, the input type must be "text", "tel", "url", "password" or "search".');

      value = 'text';

    this._type = value;

    // Update the autocomplete setting if needed
    if (value === 'email') {
      this.autocomplete = 'email';
    } else if (this.autocomplete === 'email') {
      this.autocomplete = AUTOCOMPLETE_DEFAULT;
  public get type(): TsInputTypes {
    return this._type;
  private _type: TsInputTypes = 'text';

   * Define if validation messages should be shown immediately or on blur
  public validateOnChange = false;

   * The event to emit when the input value is cleared
  public readonly cleared: EventEmitter<boolean> = new EventEmitter();

   * Define an event when the input receives a blur event
  public readonly inputBlur: EventEmitter<Date> = new EventEmitter();

   * The event to emit when the input element receives a focus event
  public readonly inputFocus: EventEmitter<boolean> = new EventEmitter();

   * The event to emit when the input element receives a paste event
  public readonly inputPaste: EventEmitter<ClipboardEvent> = new EventEmitter();

   * Define an event emitter to alert consumers that a date was selected
  public readonly selected: EventEmitter<Date> = new EventEmitter();

    private elementRef: ElementRef,
    private renderer: Renderer2,
    private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
    private autofillMonitor: AutofillMonitor,
    protected platform: Platform,
    private ngZone: NgZone,
    private documentService: TsDocumentService,
    private datePipe: TsDatePipe,
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    @Optional() @Self() @Inject(TS_INPUT_VALUE_ACCESSOR) inputValueAccessor: any,
    @Optional() public dateAdapter: DateAdapter<Date>,
    @Optional() @Self() public ngControl: NgControl,
  ) {
    this.document = this.documentService.document;

    // If no inputValueAccessor was passed in, default to a basic object with a value.
    this.inputValueAccessor = inputValueAccessor || { value: undefined };

    // If no value accessor was passed in, use this component for the ngControl ValueAccessor
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (!inputValueAccessor) {
      // Setting the value accessor directly (instead of using the providers) to avoid running into a circular import.
      // istanbul ignore else
      if (this.ngControl != null) {
        this.ngControl.valueAccessor = this;

    // Store any existing value
    this.previousNativeValue = this.value;

   * After the view is initialized, trigger any needed animations
  public ngAfterViewInit(): void {

    // Begin monitoring for the input autofill
    this.autofillMonitor.monitor(this.inputElement.nativeElement).subscribe(event => {
      this.autofilled = event.isAutofilled;;

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.mask) {

    // Register this component as the associated input for the Material datepicker
    // istanbul ignore else
    // NOTE: Dangle naming controlled by Material
    /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
    if (this.picker && !this.picker._datepickerInput) {
      // NOTE: Dangle naming controlled by Material
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
      this.picker._registerInput(this as any);
    /* eslint-enable no-underscore-dangle */

   * HACK: Without this hack, seeded values are not initially seen so the label overlaps the content.
   * The issue seems to be that the elementRef.nativeElement isn't updated with the new value immediately. When manually inspecting the
   * nativeElement, the value does exist. But when the `empty` getter defines it's elementRef instance, the value is not yet set.
   * Material doesn't seem to have this issue. The only real difference is that they are implementing the ControlValueAccessor in the input
   * where we are extending another class.
   * So currently, we just check to see if the value has changed, then trigger a fake input event since the CVA for ngModel listens for the
   * input event.
  public ngAfterContentInit(): void {
    // HACK: See above.
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.value !== this.lastValue) {
      const event = this.document.createEvent('Event');
      event.initEvent('input', true, true);
      setTimeout(() => {

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.platform.IOS) {

  public ngDoCheck(): void {
    // We need to dirty-check the native element's value, because there are some cases where we won't be notified when it changes (e.g. the
    // consumer isn't using forms or they're updating the value using `emitEvent: false`).

   * Trigger needed changes when specific inputs change
   * @param changes - The changes
  public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
    const validMaskChange = !!(inputHasChanged(changes, 'mask') && this.mask);
    const validSanitizeChange = !!(inputHasChanged(changes, 'maskSanitizeValue'));
    const validDecimalChange = !!(inputHasChanged(changes, 'maskAllowDecimal'));
    const validLabelChange = !!(inputHasChanged(changes, 'label'));

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (validMaskChange || validSanitizeChange || validDecimalChange) {

    // Only re-set the value if this isn't the first change. This avoids thrashing as the component is initialized.
    if (validMaskChange && !changes.mask.firstChange) {

    // HACK: If changing to the date mask dynamically, text-mask breaks. It seems to be related to checking the length of a null property in
    // `conformToMask` which is called inside the file `createTextMaskInputElement.js`. To get around this bug, we clear the existing value.
    // FIXME: Ideally, when switching to the date filter, any existing value would remain and be masked immediately.
    if (validMaskChange && !changes.mask.firstChange && this.value) {
      this.value = '';

      // istanbul ignore else
      if (this.textMaskInputElement) {


    // Let the parent FormField know that it should update the ouline gap for the new label
    if ((validLabelChange && !changes.label.firstChange)) {
      // Trigger change detection first so that the FormField will be working with the latest version

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.textMaskInputElement !== undefined) {

   * Stop monitoring autofill
  public ngOnDestroy(): void {

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this._valueChange) {


   * Fix for the iOS caret bug
   * On some versions of iOS the caret gets stuck in the wrong place when holding down the delete
   * key. In order to get around this we need to "jiggle" the caret loose. Since this bug only
   * exists on iOS, we only bother to install the listener on iOS.
  private fixIOSCaretBug(): void {
    this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
      this.inputElement.nativeElement.addEventListener('keyup', (event: Event) => {
        const el = as HTMLInputElement;

        // istanbul ignore else
        if (!el.value && !el.selectionStart && !el.selectionEnd) {
          // Note: Just setting `0, 0` doesn't fix the issue. Setting
          // `1, 1` fixes it for the first time that you type text and
          // then hold delete. Toggling to `1, 1` and then back to
          // `0, 0` seems to completely fix it.
          el.setSelectionRange(1, 1);
          el.setSelectionRange(0, 0);

   * Set touched on blur
  public onBlur(): void {

   * Update the inner value when the formControl value is updated
   * @param value - The value to set
  public updateInnerValue = (value: string): void => {
    this.value = value;
    // eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
    if (!this.changeDetectorRef['destroyed']) {

   * Register onChange callback (from ControlValueAccessor interface)
   * @param fn
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  public registerOnChange(fn: any): void {
    this.onChangeCallback = fn;

   * Register onTouched callback (from ControlValueAccessor interface)
   * @param fn
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  public registerOnTouched(fn: any): void {
    this.onTouchedCallback = fn;

   * Clear the input's value
  public reset(): void {
    this.value = '';

   * Callback for when the focused state of the input changes
   * @param nowFocused - Boolean determining if the input is gaining or losing focus
  public focusChanged(nowFocused: boolean): void {
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (nowFocused !== this.focused && !this.readOnly) {
      this.focused = nowFocused;;

    if (nowFocused) {
    } else {
      // Trigger the onTouchedCallback for blur events

   * Write the value
   * @param value - The value to write to the model
  public writeValue(value: string | Date): void {
    if (this.mask) {

    // Set the initial value for cases where the mask is disabled
    let normalizedValue = value ? value : '';
    this.value = normalizedValue;

    // Convert to a string if dealing with a date object
    if (normalizedValue instanceof Date) {
      normalizedValue = normalizedValue.toISOString();

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.inputElement) {
      this.renderer.setProperty(this.inputElement, 'value', normalizedValue);

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.textMaskInputElement !== undefined) {

   * Update values on input
   * NOTE: KNOWN BUG that allows model and UI to get out of sync when extra characters are added after a fully satisfied mask.
   * @param target - The event target for the input event.
  public onInput(target: HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement): void {
    if (!target) {

    let value = target.value;

    // We need to trim the last character due to a bug in the text-mask library
    const trimmedValue = this.trimLastCharacter(value);
    this.inputElement.nativeElement.value = trimmedValue;;
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.textMaskInputElement !== undefined) {
      // Update the mask.

      // Reset the value after the mask has had a chance to update it.
      value = target.value;

      // Verify the value has changed
      // istanbul ignore else
      if (this.lastValue !== value) {
        this.lastValue = value;

        // Trigger the change (and remove mask if needed)

    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.datepicker) {
      // set the new date string the user input
      this.textualDateValue = value;
      this._valueChange.emit(new Date(value));

   * Notify consumer of date changed from the picker being used.
   * @param date - The date that has been set.
  public onDateChanged(date: Date): void {
    // if the user input changed since the last selection, we want to use that date.
    // we also need to reset the textual date value once we use it because we don't
    // want to keep it fresh in case another date is selected but no user input was given.
    if (!date && this.textualDateValue) {
      date = new Date(this.textualDateValue);
      this.textualDateValue = '';


   * Remove the mask if needed
   * @param value - The value to clean
   * @param regex - The RegExp to use to clean the value
   * @returns The clean value
  private cleanValue(value: string, regex?: RegExp | Function): string {
    // If there is no unmask regex, just return the value
    if (!regex) {
      return value;
    // If the unmask regex is a function, invoke it to get the plain regex
    // Note: There is a potential the value won't be a string during runtime. It is possible
    // a form control could contain a primitive value like a number instead. Make sure it's a string.
    const finalRegex: RegExp = isFunction(regex) ? regex() : regex;
    return finalRegex && value ? value.toString().replace(new RegExp(finalRegex), '') : value;

   * Create the collection of possible masks
   * @param allowDecimal - If the number based masks should allow a decimal character
   * @returns The collection of masks
  private createMaskCollection(allowDecimal: boolean): TsMaskCollection {
    return {
      phone: {
        mask: ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/],
        unmaskRegex: NUMBER_ONLY_REGEX,
      currency: {
        mask: createNumberMask({ allowDecimal }),
        unmaskRegex: allowDecimal ? NUMBER_WITH_DECIMAL_REGEX : NUMBER_ONLY_REGEX,
      number: {
        mask: createNumberMask({
          prefix: '',
          suffix: '',
          allowLeadingZeroes: true,
        unmaskRegex: allowDecimal ? NUMBER_WITH_DECIMAL_REGEX : NUMBER_ONLY_REGEX,
      percentage: {
        mask: createNumberMask({
          prefix: '',
          suffix: '%',
        unmaskRegex: allowDecimal ? NUMBER_WITH_DECIMAL_REGEX : NUMBER_ONLY_REGEX,
      postal: { mask: this.determinePostalMask },
      date: {
        mask: [/\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/],
        pipe: createAutoCorrectedDatePipe(this.defaultDateFormat),
        keepCharPositions: false,
      default: { mask: false },

   * Helper to determine the correct postal code match (5 characters vs 9)
   * @param value - The current postal code value
   * @returns The correct mask
  private determinePostalMask(value: string): (RegExp | string)[] {
    if (!value || value.length <= MIN_POSTAL_CODE_LENGTH) {
      return [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/];
    return [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/];

   * Checks whether the input is invalid based on the native validation
   * @returns Whether the native validation passes
  private isBadInput(): boolean {
    const validity: ValidityState = (this.inputElement.nativeElement).validity;
    return validity && validity.badInput;

   * Set the model value
   * @param value - The value to set
  private setValue(value: string): void {
    if (value && this.mask === 'date') {
      this.onChangeCallback(new Date(value));
    } else {
      const finalValue = this.maskSanitizeValue ? this.cleanValue(value, this.currentMask.unmaskRegex) : value;

   * Register our custom onChange function
   * @param fn - The onChange function
  private registerOnChangeFn(fn: Function): void {
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.formControl) {

   * Set the current mask definition
   * @param value - The name of the desired mask
  private setMaskDefinition(value: string | undefined): void {
    const collection: TsMaskCollection = this.createMaskCollection(this.maskAllowDecimal);
    // NOTE: If the mask doesn't match a predefined mask, default to a mask that matches all
    // characters. The underlying text-mask library will error out without this fallback.
    const mask = (value && collection[value]) ? collection[value] : collection.default;

    // Set the current mask
    this.currentMask = mask;
    // Update the config with the chosen mask
    this.textMaskConfig = {

   * Create the mask
  private setUpMask(): void {
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.inputElement) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
      const maskOptions: {[key: string]: any} = {
        inputElement: this.inputElement.nativeElement,

      // Initialize the mask
      this.textMaskInputElement = createTextMaskInputElement(maskOptions);

   * Update mask model
   * HACK: Firing an event inside a timeout is the only way I can get the model to update after the mask dynamically changes. The UI
   * updates perfectly, but the unsanitized model value retains the previous masked value.
  private updateMaskModelHack(): void {
    const event = this.document.createEvent('Event');
    event.initEvent('input', true, true);
    setTimeout(() => {

   * HACK: Trim the last character of the model when the string is longer than the model
   * KNOWN BUG: This hack does not work correcty for unsanitized percentage masks.
   * The underlying text-mask library has a bug that allows the user to type 1 more character than the mask allows. To get around this
   * issue, we are checking to see if the input value is longer than the mask. If it is, trim the last character off and set the value.
   * See:
   * @param value - The value to check
   * @returns The trimmed value (if needed)
  private trimLastCharacter(value: string): string {
    // This only effects masked inputs
    if (this.mask) {
      const mask = this.currentMask.mask;
      const staticMask = isFunction(mask) ? mask(this.value) : mask;
      const maskLength = staticMask ? staticMask.length /* istanbul ignore next - Unreachable */ : 0;
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
      const isNumberMask: boolean = (mask as any).instanceOf === 'createNumberMask';

      // istanbul ignore else
      if (isFunction(mask) && isNumberMask) {
        const decimals = 2;
        const cleanValue = this.maskSanitizeValue ? this.cleanValue(value, this.currentMask.unmaskRegex) : value;
        const split = cleanValue.split('.');
        const twoItems = 2;

        if (split.length === twoItems && split[1].length > decimals) {
          // Trim the final character off
          const trimmedValue = cleanValue.slice(0, -1);
          value = trimmedValue;
      } else {
        let stringifiedDate: string | undefined;

        if (this.mask === 'date') {
          stringifiedDate = this.isValidDateString(value) ? this.datePipe.transform(value, 'short') : value;

        value = stringifiedDate || value;

        if (value && (maskLength > 0 && value.length > maskLength)) {
          // Determine the max length to trim the extra character
          // Get the cleaned value if needed
          const finalValue = this.maskSanitizeValue ? this.cleanValue(stringifiedDate || value, this.currentMask.unmaskRegex) : value;
          const trimmedValue = finalValue.slice(0, -1);

          // Trim the final character off
          value = trimmedValue;

    return value;

   * Convert an valid date string to a Date if needed
   * NOTE: When using 1 time bindings we are required to pass in ISO stringified dates. Adding this
   * method to our setters adds support for either version
   * @param date - The date
   * @returns The Date object
  private verifyIsDateObject(date: string | Date): Date {
    return (date instanceof Date) ? date : new Date(date);

   * Determine if a date string is valid.
   * We cannot simply see if the string creates a valid date. The string '0' will technically create a valid Date. For our purposes, we can
   * check to verify the length is correct AND it is a valid date. This works because the mask is enforcing a consistent 'length' for valid
   * dates.
   * @param value - The string
   * @returns If the string is a valid date
  private isValidDateString(value: string): boolean {
    const numbersInFormattedDate = 8;
    const cleanValue = this.cleanValue(value, /[^0-9]/g);
    const hasCorrectLength: boolean = cleanValue.length === numbersInFormattedDate;
    const isValid: boolean = isValidDate(value);
    return hasCorrectLength && isValid;

   * Implemented as part of {@link TsFormFieldControl}.
  public onContainerClick(): void {
    // Do not re-focus the input element if the element is already focused. Otherwise it can happen
    // that someone clicks on a time input and the cursor resets to the "hours" field while the
    // "minutes" field was actually clicked. See:
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (!this.focused) {

   * Focus the input element
  public focus(): void {
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this.inputElement) {

   * Set a new date locale
   * @param newLocale - The locale to set
  private setDateLocale(newLocale: string): void {

   * Manually dirty check the native input `value` property
  protected dirtyCheckNativeValue(): void {
    if (!this.inputElement) {

    const newValue = this.inputElement.nativeElement.value;

    if (this.previousNativeValue !== newValue) {
      this.previousNativeValue = newValue;;

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""