Interface requirements for a selected option
Properties |
children |
Type : TsSelectOption[]
Optional |
isDisabled |
Type : boolean
Optional |
import { ActiveDescendantKeyManager } from '@angular/cdk/a11y';
import { SelectionModel } from '@angular/cdk/collections';
import {
} from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { NgControl } from '@angular/forms';
import { MAT_CHECKBOX_DEFAULT_OPTIONS } from '@angular/material/checkbox';
import {
} from 'rxjs';
import {
} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {
} from '@terminus/fe-utilities';
import { TsFormFieldControl } from '@terminus/ui-form-field';
import {
} from '@terminus/ui-option';
import { TS_SPACING } from '@terminus/ui-spacing';
import { TsStyleThemeTypes } from '@terminus/ui-utilities';
import { tsSelectAnimations } from '../select-animations';
import { TsSelectTriggerComponent } from '../trigger/select-trigger.component';
* The following style constants are necessary to save here in order to properly calculate the alignment of the selected option over the
* trigger element.
// The max height of the select's overlay panel
export const SELECT_PANEL_MAX_HEIGHT = 256;
// The panel's padding on the x-axis
export const SELECT_PANEL_PADDING_X = 16;
// The panel's x axis padding if it is indented (e.g. there is an option group)
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
// The height of the select items in `em` units
* Distance between the panel edge and the option text in multi-selection mode.
* Calculated as:
* (SELECT_PANEL_PADDING_X * 1.5) + 20 = 44
* The padding is multiplied by 1.5 because the checkbox's margin is half the padding.
* The checkbox width is 16px.
* The select panel will only "fit" inside the viewport if it is positioned at this value or more away from the viewport boundary
* Expose the formatter function type
export type TsSelectFormatFn = (v: unknown) => string;
* Used to sort selected options.
* Function used to sort the values in a select in multiple mode. Follows the same logic as `Array.prototype.sort`.
export type TsSelectSortComparatorFunction = (
a: TsOptionComponent,
b: TsOptionComponent,
options: TsOptionComponent[],
) => number;
* Comparison function to specify which option is displayed
export type TsSelectOptionCompareWith = (o1: unknown, o2: unknown) => boolean;
* The default compare with function used when the consumer does not define one
* @param o1
* @param o2
export const DEFAULT_COMPARE_WITH: TsSelectOptionCompareWith = (o1: unknown, o2: unknown) => o1 === o2;
* The select panel will only "fit" inside the viewport if it is positioned at this value or more away from the viewport boundary
* The event object that is emitted when the select value has changed
export class TsSelectChange<T = string | string[]> {
// Reference to the select that emitted the change event
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
public source: TsSelectComponent,
// The current value
public value: T,
) {}
* Interface requirements for a selected option
export interface TsSelectOption {
isDisabled?: boolean;
children?: TsSelectOption[];
// Unique ID for each instance
let nextUniqueId = 0;
* A component to create a select menu
* @deprecated Please use `TsSelectionListComponent`
* @example
* <ts-select
* [allowMultiple]="true"
* [compareWith]="myCompareFn"
* delimiter=","
* [hideRequiredMarker]="true"
* hint="My hint!"
* id="my-id"
* [isDisabled]="true"
* [isFilterable]="true"
* [isRequired]="true"
* label="My label!"
* placeholder="My placeholder!"
* [showProgress]="true"
* [showRefineSearchMessage]="true"
* [showRefresh]="true"
* [sortComparator]="myComparator"
* tabIndex="-1"
* theme="primary"
* [totalHiddenResults]="1278"
* [validateOnChange]="true"
* value="My value!"
* (closed)="panelWasClosed($event)"
* (duplicateSelection)="duplicateWasSelected($event)"
* (opened)="panelWasOpened($event)"
* (optionDeselected)="optionWasDeselected($event)"
* (optionSelected)="optionWasSelected($event)"
* (optionsRefreshRequested)="refreshWasSelected()"
* (queryChange)="searchQueryChanged($event)"
* (selectionChange)="aSelectionWasChanged($event)"
* (valueChange)="theValueWasChanged($event)"
* ></ts-select>
* <example-url></example-url>
selector: 'ts-select',
templateUrl: './select.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./select.component.scss'],
host: {
'class': 'ts-select',
'[class.ts-select--required]': 'isRequired',
'[class.ts-select--disabled]': 'isDisabled',
'[attr.aria-owns]': 'panelOpen ? optionIds : null',
'[attr.aria-required]': 'isRequired.toString()',
'[attr.aria-multiselectable]': 'allowMultiple',
'[attr.tabindex]': 'tabIndex',
'(keydown)': 'handleKeydown($event)',
animations: [
providers: [
provide: TsFormFieldControl,
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
useExisting: TsSelectComponent,
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
useExisting: TsSelectComponent,
// Since we handle all option selection/deselection functionality we tell the underlying MatCheckbox to do nothing on click.
useValue: { clickAction: 'noop' },
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
exportAs: 'tsSelect',
export class TsSelectComponent implements
TsFormFieldControl<unknown> {
* Give the component an explicit name
public readonly componentName = 'TsSelectComponent';
* Store a reference to the document object
private document: Document;
* Define the flex layout gap
public flexGap: string = TS_SPACING.small[0];
* Subject used to alert the parent {@link FormFieldComponent} when the label gap should be recalculated
* Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl.
public readonly labelChanges: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();
* Manages keyboard events for options in the panel.
private keyManager!: ActiveDescendantKeyManager<TsOptionComponent>;
* The y-offset of the overlay panel in relation to the trigger's top start corner.
* This must be adjusted to align the selected option text over the trigger text.
* when the panel opens. This will be changed based on the y-position of the selected option.
public offsetY = 0;
* The IDs of child options to be passed to the aria-owns attribute.
public optionIds = '';
* Combined stream of all of the child options' change events
public readonly optionSelectionChanges: Observable<TsOptionSelectionChange> =
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
defer(() => merge<TsOptionSelectionChange>( => option.selectionChange)));
* Emits when the panel element is finished transforming in.
public panelDoneAnimatingStream = new Subject<string>();
* Whether or not the overlay panel is open
public panelOpen = false;
* This position config ensures that the top "start" corner of the overlay
* is aligned with with the top "start" of the origin by default (overlapping
* the trigger completely).
public positions = [
originX: 'start',
originY: 'top',
overlayX: 'start',
overlayY: 'top',
originX: 'start',
originY: 'bottom',
overlayX: 'start',
overlayY: 'bottom',
* The scroll position of the overlay panel, calculated to center the selected option.
private scrollTop = 0;
* Store the search query
public searchQuery = '';
* Manage selections
public selectionModel!: SelectionModel<TsOptionComponent>;
// Since the FormFieldComponent is inside this template, we cannot use a provider to pass this component instance to the form field.
// Instead, we pass it manually through the template with this reference.
public selfReference = this;
* Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl.
public readonly stateChanges: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();
* The value of the select panel's transform-origin property
public transformOrigin = 'top';
* The cached font-size of the trigger element
public triggerFontSize = 0;
* The last measured value for the trigger's client bounding rect
public triggerRect: ClientRect | undefined;
* Define the default component ID
public readonly uid = `ts-select-${nextUniqueId++}`;
* Management of the query string
public querySubject: BehaviorSubject<string> = new BehaviorSubject('');
* Margin between select panel edge and viewport edge
public viewportMarginSpacing = DEFAULT_VIEWPORT_MARGIN;
* Whether all options are selected
public get allOptionsSelected(): boolean {
return allOptionsAreSelected(this.options);
* Whether the select has a value
public get empty(): boolean {
return this.selectionModel && this.selectionModel.isEmpty();
* Whether the input has focus
public get focused(): boolean {
const el = this.inputElement && this.inputElement.nativeElement;
return (this.document.activeElement === el) || this.panelOpen;
* Calculates the amount of items in the select. This includes options and group labels.
private get itemCount(): number {
return this.options.length + this.optionGroups.length;
* Calculates the height of the options
* Only called if at least one option exists
private get itemHeight(): number {
// Try to use the 2nd option in case the first option is blank or a filter etc. Fall back to the first item if needed.
const options = this.options.toArray();
const option = options[1] || options[0];
return option && option.elementRef.nativeElement.offsetHeight;
* Whether at least 1 option is selected, but not all options
public get someOptionsSelected(): boolean {
return someOptionsAreSelected(this.options);
* Determine if the label should float
public get shouldLabelFloat(): boolean {
return this.focused || !this.empty || this.searchQuery.length > 0;
* The value displayed in the select trigger
public get selectTriggerValue(): string {
if (this.allowMultiple) {
const selectedOptions = => option.viewValue);
return selectedOptions.join(`${this.delimiter} `);
return this.selectionModel.selected[0].viewValue;
* The currently selected option or options
public get selected(): TsOptionComponent | TsOptionComponent[] {
return this.allowMultiple ? this.selectionModel.selected : this.selectionModel.selected[0];
* Access the user-supplied override of the trigger element
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
public customTrigger: TsSelectTriggerComponent | undefined;
* Access to the actual HTML element
public inputElement!: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>;
* Access the label element
public labelElement!: ElementRef;
* Access the trigger that opens the select
public trigger!: ElementRef;
* Access the overlay pane containing the options
public overlayDir!: CdkConnectedOverlay;
* Access the panel containing the select options
public panel!: ElementRef;
* Access a list of all the defined select options
@ContentChildren(TsOptionComponent, { descendants: true })
public options!: QueryList<TsOptionComponent>;
* Access all of the defined groups of options
public optionGroups!: QueryList<TsOptgroupComponent>;
* Define if multiple selections are allowed
public allowMultiple = false;
* Function to compare the option values with the selected values. The first argument
* is a value from an option. The second is a value from the selection. A boolean
* should be returned.
* Learn more about `compareWith` in the Angular docs:
* @param fn
public set compareWith(fn: TsSelectOptionCompareWith) {
if (typeof fn !== 'function' && isDevMode()) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(`TsSelectComponent: "compareWith" must be a function. Falling back to the default.`);
this._compareWith = DEFAULT_COMPARE_WITH;
this._compareWith = fn;
// A different comparator means the selection could change so we need to reinitialize any selections
if (this.selectionModel) {
public get compareWith(): TsSelectOptionCompareWith {
return this._compareWith;
private _compareWith: TsSelectOptionCompareWith = DEFAULT_COMPARE_WITH;
* Define the delimiter used in the list of selected options
* @param value
public set delimiter(value: string) {
this._delimiter = isString(value) ? value : DEFAULT_DELIMITER;
public get delimiter(): string {
return this._delimiter;
private _delimiter: string = DEFAULT_DELIMITER;
* Define if the required marker should be hidden
public hideRequiredMarker = false;
* Define a hint for the input
* @param value
public set hint(value: string | undefined) {
this._hint = value;
public get hint(): string | undefined {
return this._hint;
private _hint: string | undefined;
* Define an ID for the component
* @param value
public set id(value: string) {
this._id = value || this.uid;
public get id(): string {
return this._id;
protected _id: string = this.uid;
* Define if the control should be disabled
public isDisabled = false;
* Define if the select is filterable
public isFilterable = false;
* Define if the control is required
* @param value
public set isRequired(value: boolean) {
this._isRequired = value;
public get isRequired(): boolean {
const ctrl = this.ngControl && this.ngControl.control;
const requiredFormControl = !!ctrl && hasRequiredControl(ctrl);
return this._isRequired || requiredFormControl;
private _isRequired = false;
* Define the label text
* @param value
public set label(value: string | undefined) {
this._label = value;
public get label(): string | undefined {
return this._label;
private _label: string | undefined;
* Define whether a validation or a hint needed.
public noValidationOrHint = false;
* Placeholder to be shown if no value has been selected
* @param value
public set placeholder(value: string | undefined) {
this._placeholder = value;;
public get placeholder(): string | undefined {
return this._placeholder;
private _placeholder: string | undefined;
* Define if the component should currently be showing a progress spinner
public showProgress = false;
* Define if the component should expose a message telling the user to refine their search
public showRefineSearchMessage = false;
* Define if the select should show an option to trigger a refresh (by emitting an event)
public showRefresh = false;
* Function used to sort the values in a select in multiple mode
* Follows the same logic as `Array.prototype.sort`.
* See {@link TsSelectSortComparatorFunction}
public sortComparator: TsSelectSortComparatorFunction | undefined;
* Define the tab index for the component
* @param value
public set tabIndex(value: string | number) {
this._tabIndex = coerceNumberProperty(value);
public get tabIndex(): string | number {
return this._tabIndex;
private _tabIndex: string | number = 0;
* Define the component theme
public theme: TsStyleThemeTypes = 'primary';
* Define the total number of records
public totalHiddenResults: undefined | number;
* Define if validation messages should be shown immediately or on blur
public validateOnChange = false;
* Value of the select control
* @param newValue
public set value(newValue: unknown) {
if (newValue !== this._value) {
this._value = newValue;
public get value(): unknown {
return this._value;
private _value: unknown;
* Event for when the panel is closed
public readonly closed: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter();
* Event for when a duplicate selection is made
public readonly duplicateSelection: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter();
* Event for when the panel is opened
public readonly opened: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter();
* Event for when an option is removed
public readonly optionDeselected: EventEmitter<TsSelectChange> = new EventEmitter();
* Event for when an option is selected
public readonly optionSelected: EventEmitter<TsSelectChange> = new EventEmitter();
* Event for when the user requests a refresh of the available options
public readonly optionsRefreshRequested: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter();
* Event for when the query has changed, used by filterable select
public readonly queryChange: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter();
* Event for when the selections change
public readonly selectionChange: EventEmitter<TsSelectChange> = new EventEmitter();
* Event that emits whenever the raw value of the select changes. This is here primarily
* to facilitate the two-way binding for the `value` input.
* Needed for {@link TsFormFieldComponent}.
public readonly valueChange: EventEmitter<string | string[]> = new EventEmitter<string | string[]>();
private viewportRuler: ViewportRuler,
private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
private ngZone: NgZone,
private documentService: TsDocumentService,
private elementRef: ElementRef,
@Self() @Optional() public ngControl: NgControl,
) {
this.document = this.documentService.document;
// This is the assigned FormControl or NgModel
// istanbul ignore else
if (this.ngControl) {
// Note: we provide the value accessor through here, instead of the `providers` to avoid running into a circular import.
this.ngControl.valueAccessor = this;
* Trigger change detection when the underlying form changes
public ngOnInit(): void {
// TODO: re-initialize the selection model if this.allowMultiple changes (rather than throw error like material)
this.selectionModel = new SelectionModel<TsOptionComponent>(this.allowMultiple);
// Seed the control value
// NOTE: When the consumer is using an ngModel, the value is not set on the first cycle.
// We need to push it to the next event loop. When using a FormControl the value is there on the first run.
// istanbul ignore else
// eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
if (this.ngControl && this.ngControl['form']) {
// Support dynamic form control updates
// istanbul ignore else
if (this.ngControl.valueChanges) {
.subscribe(newValue => {
// istanbul ignore else
if (newValue) {
* Initialize the key manager and set up change listeners
public ngAfterContentInit(): void {
// NOTE: Known bug: This event will come through twice for each selection.
// NOTE: Selection model is created during OnInit so it cannot be null here
).subscribe(event => {
event.added.forEach(option => {;
this.optionSelected.emit(new TsSelectChange(this, option.value));
event.removed.forEach(option => {
this.optionDeselected.emit(new TsSelectChange(this, option.value));
// If the array changes, reset options
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
startWith<void, null>(null),
).subscribe(() => {
* Trigger updates when the label is dynamically changed
* @param changes
public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
// Let the parent FormField know that it should update the ouline gap for the new label
// istanbul ignore else
if ((!!(inputHasChanged(changes, 'label')) && !changes.label.firstChange)) {
// Trigger change detection first so that the FormField will be working with the latest version
* Cleanup
public ngOnDestroy(): void {
* Stub in onChange
* Needed for ControlValueAccessor (View -> model callback called when value changes)
// istanbul ignore next
public onChange: (value: unknown) => void = () => {};
* Stub in onTouched
* Needed for ControlValueAccessor (View -> model callback called when select has been touched)
// istanbul ignore next
public onTouched = () => {};
* Toggles the overlay panel open or closed.
public toggle(): void {
// istanbul ignore else
if (!this.isDisabled) {
this.panelOpen ? this.close() :;
* Open the overlay panel
public open(): void {
if (this.isDisabled || !this.options || !this.options.length || this.panelOpen) {
this.triggerRect = this.trigger.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
// Note: The computed font-size will be a string pixel value (e.g. "16px").
// `parseInt` ignores the trailing 'px' and converts this to a number.
this.triggerFontSize = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.trigger.nativeElement)['font-size'], 10);
this.panelOpen = true;
// Set the font size on the panel element once it exists.
this.ngZone.onStable.asObservable().pipe(take(1)).subscribe(() => {
// istanbul ignore else
if (this.triggerFontSize && this.overlayDir.overlayRef && this.overlayDir.overlayRef.overlayElement) { = `${this.triggerFontSize}px`;
// Alert the consumer
* Close the overlay panel
public close(): void {
if (this.panelOpen) {
this.panelOpen = false;
// Alert the consumer
* Callback that is invoked when the overlay panel has been attached
public onAttached(): void {
this.overlayDir.positionChange.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(() => {
* Handles all keydown events on the select
* @param event - The KeyboardEvent
public handleKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
if (this.isDisabled) {
this.panelOpen ? this.handleOpenKeydown(event) : this.handleClosedKeydown(event);
* Handle keyboard events when the select panel is closed
* @param event - The KeyboardEvent
private handleClosedKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
const keyCode = event.code;
const arrowKeys = [KEYS.DOWN_ARROW.code, KEYS.UP_ARROW.code, KEYS.LEFT_ARROW.code, KEYS.RIGHT_ARROW.code];
const isArrowKey = arrowKeys.indexOf(keyCode) >= 0;
const isOpenKey = keyCode === KEYS.ENTER.code || keyCode === KEYS.SPACE.code;
// Open the select on ALT + arrow key to match the native <select>
if (isOpenKey || ((this.allowMultiple || event.altKey) && isArrowKey)) {
// Prevent the page from scrolling down when space is pressed
} else if (!this.allowMultiple) {
* Handle keyboard events when the select panel is open
* @param event - The KeyboardEvent
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
private handleOpenKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
const keyCode = event.code;
const isArrowKey = keyCode === KEYS.DOWN_ARROW.code || keyCode === KEYS.UP_ARROW.code;
const manager = this.keyManager;
const target: HTMLElement = as HTMLElement;
const isFilter = this.isFilterable && target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input';
if (keyCode === KEYS.HOME.code || keyCode === KEYS.END.code) {
// Focus the first/last item with HOME/END respectively
keyCode === KEYS.HOME.code ? manager.setFirstItemActive() : manager.setLastItemActive();
} else if (isArrowKey && event.altKey) {
// Close the select on ALT+ARROW to match the native <select>
} else if ((keyCode === KEYS.ENTER.code || (keyCode === KEYS.SPACE.code && !isFilter)) && manager.activeItem) {
// Select the active item with SPACE or ENTER
} else if (this.allowMultiple && keyCode === KEYS.A.code && event.ctrlKey) {
// Select all with CTRL+A
const hasDeselectedOptions = this.options.some(opt => !opt.isDisabled && !opt.selected);
this.options.forEach(option => {
// istanbul ignore else
if (!option.isDisabled) {
hasDeselectedOptions ? : option.deselect();
} else {
const shouldSelect = this.allowMultiple && isArrowKey && event.shiftKey;
if (isArrowKey && event.shiftKey) {
if (keyCode === KEYS.DOWN_ARROW.code) {
} else {
} else {
if (shouldSelect && manager.activeItem) {
* Drops current option subscriptions and IDs and resets from scratch
private resetOptions(): void {
).subscribe(event => {
this.onSelect(event.source, event.isUserInput);
// istanbul ignore else
if (event.isUserInput && !this.allowMultiple && this.panelOpen) {
// Listen to changes in the internal state of the options and react accordingly.
// Handles cases like the labels of the selected options changing.
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
merge( => option.stateChanges))
.subscribe(() => {
* Handle the selection when an option is clicked
* @param option - The selected option
* @param isUserInput - Whether this selection happened from a user's click
private onSelect(option: TsOptionComponent, isUserInput: boolean): void {
const wasSelected = this.selectionModel.isSelected(option);
// If not in multiple selection mode, clear any existing selection first
if (option.value == null && !this.allowMultiple) {
} else {
option.selected ? : this.selectionModel.deselect(option);
// istanbul ignore else
if (isUserInput) {
// istanbul ignore else
if (this.allowMultiple) {
if (isUserInput) {
// In case the user selected the option with their mouse, we
// want to restore focus back to the trigger, in order to
// prevent the select keyboard controls from clashing with
// the ones from `TsOptionComponent`.
// Only propagate if the selected option is not already in the selectionModel
if (wasSelected !== this.selectionModel.isSelected(option)) {
* Records option IDs to pass to the aria-owns property
private setOptionIds(): void {
this.optionIds = =>' ');
* Set up a key manager to listen to keyboard events on the overlay panel
private initKeyManager(): void {
this.keyManager = new ActiveDescendantKeyManager<TsOptionComponent>(this.options)
).subscribe(() => {
// Restore focus to the trigger before closing. Ensures that the focus
// position won't be lost if the user got focus into the overlay.
this.keyManager.change.pipe(untilComponentDestroyed(this)).subscribe(() => {
if (this.panelOpen && this.panel) {
} else if (!this.panelOpen && !this.allowMultiple && this.keyManager.activeItem) {
* Focus the correct element
* When in standard select mode we should focus the select itself.
public focus(): void {
* Sort the selected values in the selectedModel based on their order in the panel
private sortValues(): void {
// istanbul ignore else
if (this.allowMultiple) {
const options = this.options.toArray();
.sort((a, b) => {
if (this.sortComparator) {
return this.sortComparator(a, b, options);
return options.indexOf(a) - options.indexOf(b);
* Emit a change event to set the model value
* @param fallbackValue - A fallback value to use when no selection exists
private propagateChanges(fallbackValue?: unknown): void {
let valueToEmit: string | string[];
if (this.allowMultiple) {
valueToEmit = (this.selected as TsOptionComponent[]).map(option => option.value);
} else {
valueToEmit = this.selected ? (this.selected as TsOptionComponent).value : fallbackValue;
this.value = valueToEmit;
this.selectionChange.emit(new TsSelectChange(this, valueToEmit));
* Call FormControl updateValueAndValidity function to ensure value and valid status get updated.
private updateValueAndValidity() {
if (this.ngControl && this.ngControl.control) {
* Sets the select's value. Part of the ControlValueAccessor interface required to integrate with Angular's core forms API.
* NOTE: Currently we are not using this, but it still must be present since this component is acting as a CVA.
* @param value - New value to be written to the model
public writeValue(value: unknown): void {}
* Save a callback function to be invoked when the select's value changes from user input.
* Part of the ControlValueAccessor interface required to integrate with Angular's core forms API.
* @param fn - Callback to be triggered when the value changes
public registerOnChange(fn: (value: unknown) => void): void {
this.onChange = fn;
* Save a callback function to be invoked when the select is blurred by the user.
* Part of the ControlValueAccessor interface required to integrate with Angular's core forms API.
* @param fn - Callback to be triggered when the component has been touched
public registerOnTouched(fn: () => {}): void {
this.onTouched = fn;
* Disables the select.
* Part of the ControlValueAccessor interface required to integrate with Angular's core forms API.
* @param isDisabled - If the component is disabled
public setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void {
this.isDisabled = isDisabled;
* Initialize any existing selections into the selectionModel
private initializeSelection(): void {
// Defer setting the value in order to avoid the "Expression
// has changed after it was checked" errors from Angular.
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
this.setSelectionByValue(this.ngControl ? this.ngControl.value : this.value);
* Sets the selected option based on a value.
* If no option can be found with the designated value, the select trigger is cleared.
* @param value - The value to use to look up options
private setSelectionByValue(value: string | string[]): void {
if (this.allowMultiple && value) {
value = coerceArray(value);
value.forEach((currentValue: string) => this.selectOptionByValue(currentValue));
} else {
const correspondingOption = this.selectOptionByValue(value);
// Shift focus to the active item. Note that we shouldn't do this in multiple
// mode, because we don't know what option the user interacted with last.
if (correspondingOption) {
* Find and select an option based on its value
* @param value - The value to use when searching for a matching option
* @returns Option that has the corresponding value
private selectOptionByValue(value: string | string[]): TsOptionComponent | undefined {
const correspondingOption = this.options.find((option: TsOptionComponent) => {
try {
// Treat null as a special reset value.
return option.value != null && this.compareWith(option.value, value);
} catch (error) {
// istanbul ignore else
if (isDevMode()) {
// Notify developers of errors in their comparator.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
return false;
if (correspondingOption) {;
return correspondingOption;
* Scroll the active option into view
private scrollActiveOptionIntoView(): void {
const activeOptionIndex: number = this.keyManager.activeItemIndex || 0;
const labelCount: number = countGroupLabelsBeforeOption(activeOptionIndex, this.options, this.optionGroups);
const total = getOptionScrollPosition(
activeOptionIndex + labelCount,
* Calculate the scroll position and x- and y- offsets of the overlay panel
private calculateOverlayPosition(): void {
const itemHeight = this.itemHeight;
const items = this.itemCount;
const panelHeight = Math.min(items * itemHeight, SELECT_PANEL_MAX_HEIGHT);
const scrollContainerHeight = items * itemHeight;
// The farthest the panel can be scrolled before it hits the bottom
const maxScroll = scrollContainerHeight - panelHeight;
// If no value is selected we open the popup to the first item.
// NOTE: Since we are checking the `empty` value first, we know that the selection model is not empty
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
let selectedOptionOffset = this.empty ? 0 : this.getOptionIndex(this.selectionModel.selected[0])!;
// Make sure we take into account optgroups also
selectedOptionOffset += countGroupLabelsBeforeOption(selectedOptionOffset, this.options, this.optionGroups);
// We must maintain a scroll buffer so the selected option will be scrolled to the
// center of the overlay panel rather than the top.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
const scrollBuffer = panelHeight / 2;
this.scrollTop = this.calculateOverlayScroll(selectedOptionOffset, scrollBuffer, maxScroll);
this.offsetY = this.calculateOverlayOffsetY(selectedOptionOffset, scrollBuffer, maxScroll);
* Calculate the scroll position of the select's overlay panel
* This attempts to center the selected option in the panel. If the option is too high or too low in the panel to be scrolled to the
* center, it clamps the scroll position to the min or max scroll positions respectively.
* @param selectedIndex - The index of the item to scroll to
* @param scrollBuffer - The amount to buffer the scroll
* @param maxScroll - The maximum amount the panel can scroll
private calculateOverlayScroll(selectedIndex: number, scrollBuffer: number, maxScroll: number): number {
const itemHeight = this.itemHeight;
const optionOffsetFromScrollTop = itemHeight * selectedIndex;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
const halfOptionHeight = itemHeight / 2;
// Starts at the optionOffsetFromScrollTop, which scrolls the option to the top of the scroll container, then subtracts the scroll
// buffer to scroll the option down to the center of the overlay panel. Half the option height must be re-added to the scrollTop so the
// option is centered based on its middle, not its top edge.
const optimalScrollPosition = optionOffsetFromScrollTop - scrollBuffer + halfOptionHeight;
return Math.min(Math.max(0, optimalScrollPosition), maxScroll);
* Calculates the y-offset of the select's overlay panel in relation to the top start corner of the trigger.
* It has to be adjusted in order for the selected option to be aligned over the trigger when the panel opens.
* @param selectedIndex - The index of the selected item
* @param scrollBuffer - The number of pixels to buffer the scroll by
* @param maxScroll - The farthest the panel can scroll
* @returns The overlay's Y offset
private calculateOverlayOffsetY(selectedIndex: number, scrollBuffer: number, maxScroll: number): number {
// NOTE: scrollBuffer is half of the panel height - which is really half of SELECT_PANEL_MAX_HEIGHT (when many options exist)
// NOTE: maxScroll is the height of all options minus the height of the panel
const itemHeight = this.itemHeight;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
const optionHeightAdjustment = (itemHeight - (this.triggerRect ? this.triggerRect.height : 0)) / 2;
const maxOptionsDisplayed = Math.floor(SELECT_PANEL_MAX_HEIGHT / itemHeight);
// scrollbuffer - options
let optionOffsetFromPanelTop: number;
if (this.scrollTop === 0) {
optionOffsetFromPanelTop = selectedIndex * itemHeight;
} else if (this.scrollTop === maxScroll) {
const firstDisplayedIndex = this.itemCount - maxOptionsDisplayed;
const selectedDisplayIndex = selectedIndex - firstDisplayedIndex;
// The first item is partially out of the viewport. Therefore we need to calculate what
// portion of it is shown in the viewport and account for it in our offset.
const partialItemHeight = itemHeight - (((this.itemCount * itemHeight) - SELECT_PANEL_MAX_HEIGHT) % itemHeight);
// Because the panel height is longer than the height of the options alone,
// there is always extra padding at the top or bottom of the panel. When
// scrolled to the very bottom, this padding is at the top of the panel and
// must be added to the offset.
optionOffsetFromPanelTop = (selectedDisplayIndex * itemHeight) + partialItemHeight;
} else {
// If the option was scrolled to the middle of the panel using a scroll buffer,
// its offset will be the scroll buffer minus the half height that was added to
// center it.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
optionOffsetFromPanelTop = scrollBuffer - (itemHeight / 2);
// The final offset is the option's offset from the top, adjusted for the height difference,
// multiplied by -1 to ensure that the overlay moves in the correct direction up the page.
// The value is rounded to prevent some browsers from blurring the content.
return Math.round((optionOffsetFromPanelTop * -1) - optionHeightAdjustment);
* Check that the attempted overlay position will fit within the viewport.
* If it will not fit, tries to adjust the scroll position and the associated y-offset so the panel can open fully on-screen.
* If it still won't fit, sets the offset back to 0 to allow the fallback position to take over.
* @param maxScroll - The maximum amount to allow the panel to scroll
private checkOverlayWithinViewport(maxScroll: number): void {
const itemHeight = this.itemHeight;
const viewportSize = this.viewportRuler.getViewportSize();
// Space between top of trigger and top of viewport
const topSpaceAvailable = this.triggerRect ? ( - SELECT_PANEL_VIEWPORT_PADDING) : 0;
// Viewport height - trigger bottom - viewport padding
const bottomSpaceAvailable = viewportSize.height - (this.triggerRect ? this.triggerRect.bottom : 0) - SELECT_PANEL_VIEWPORT_PADDING;
const panelHeightTop = Math.abs(this.offsetY);
// 256 when maxed out
const totalPanelHeight = Math.min(this.itemCount * itemHeight, SELECT_PANEL_MAX_HEIGHT);
// total panel - offsetY - trigger height
const panelHeightBottom = totalPanelHeight - panelHeightTop - (this.triggerRect ? this.triggerRect.height : 0);
if (panelHeightBottom > bottomSpaceAvailable) {
this.adjustPanelUp(panelHeightBottom, bottomSpaceAvailable);
} else if (panelHeightTop > topSpaceAvailable) {
this.adjustPanelDown(panelHeightTop, topSpaceAvailable, maxScroll);
} else {
this.transformOrigin = this.getOriginBasedOnOption();
* Adjust the overlay panel up to fit in the viewport
* @param panelHeightBottom - The height of the panel bottom
* @param bottomSpaceAvailable - The amount of available space at the bottom
private adjustPanelUp(panelHeightBottom: number, bottomSpaceAvailable: number): void {
// Browsers ignore fractional scroll offsets, so we need to round.
const distanceBelowViewport = Math.round(panelHeightBottom - bottomSpaceAvailable);
// Scrolls the panel up by the distance it was extending past the boundary, then
// adjusts the offset by that amount to move the panel up into the viewport.
this.scrollTop -= distanceBelowViewport;
// Don't allow the offset to be set below 0
this.offsetY = (this.offsetY - distanceBelowViewport) < 0 ? 0 : this.offsetY - distanceBelowViewport;
this.transformOrigin = this.getOriginBasedOnOption();
// If the panel is scrolled to the very top, it won't be able to fit the panel
// by scrolling, so set the offset to 0 to allow the fallback position to take effect.
// istanbul ignore else
if (this.scrollTop <= 0) {
this.scrollTop = 0;
this.offsetY = 0;
this.transformOrigin = `50% bottom 0px`;
* Adjusts the overlay panel down to fit in the viewport
* @param panelHeightTop - The height of the panel top
* @param topSpaceAvailable - The amount of available space at the top
* @param maxScroll - The maximum amount the panel can be scrolled
private adjustPanelDown(panelHeightTop: number, topSpaceAvailable: number, maxScroll: number) {
// Browsers ignore fractional scroll offsets, so we need to round.
const distanceAboveViewport = Math.round(panelHeightTop - topSpaceAvailable);
// Scrolls the panel down by the distance it was extending past the boundary, then
// adjusts the offset by that amount to move the panel down into the viewport.
this.scrollTop += distanceAboveViewport;
// Don't allow the offset to be set below 0
this.offsetY = (this.offsetY + distanceAboveViewport) < 0 ? 0 : this.offsetY + distanceAboveViewport;
this.transformOrigin = this.getOriginBasedOnOption();
// If the panel is scrolled to the very bottom, it won't be able to fit the
// panel by scrolling, so set the offset to 0 to allow the fallback position
// to take effect.
// istanbul ignore else
if (this.scrollTop >= maxScroll) {
this.scrollTop = maxScroll;
this.offsetY = 0;
this.transformOrigin = `50% top 0px`;
* Set the transform origin point based on the selected option
* @returns The transform origin CSS string
private getOriginBasedOnOption(): string {
const itemHeight = this.itemHeight;
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers */
const optionHeightAdjustment = (itemHeight - (this.triggerRect ? this.triggerRect.height : 0)) / 2;
const originY = Math.abs(this.offsetY) - optionHeightAdjustment + (itemHeight / 2);
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers */
return `50% ${originY}px 0px`;
* Get the index of the provided option in the option list
* @param option - The option whose index should be found
* @returns The index of the option
private getOptionIndex(option: TsOptionComponent): number | undefined {
return this.options.reduce((result: number | undefined, current: TsOptionComponent, index: number) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
const optionIndexIfCurrent = option === current ? index : undefined;
return isUndefined(result) ? optionIndexIfCurrent : result;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
}, undefined);
* Highlight the selected item.
* If no option is selected, it will highlight the first item instead.
private highlightCorrectOption(): void {
// istanbul ignore else
if (this.keyManager) {
if (this.empty) {
} else {
* Toggle the selection all options
* If any are selected, it will unselect all & vice-versa.
public toggleAllOptions(): void {
* Ensure the correct element gets focus when the primary container is clicked.
* Implemented as part of TsFormFieldControl.
public onContainerClick(): void {
// istanbul ignore else
if (!this.isDisabled) {;
* Get the panel's scrollTop
* @returns The scrollTop number
private getPanelScrollTop(): number {
return this.panel ? this.panel.nativeElement.scrollTop : 0;
* Set the panel's scrollTop
* This allows us to manually scroll to display options above or below the fold, as they are not actually being focused when active.
* @param scrollTop - The number to set scrollTop to
private setPanelScrollTop(scrollTop: number): void {
// istanbul ignore else
if (this.panel) {
this.panel.nativeElement.scrollTop = scrollTop;